

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
3Mar, 20
Clean Food Love

Hi there!

My name is Wendy Bruhn and I’m 47 years old.

My husband and I have lost a combined 70 pounds since we started Eating Clean with CleanFoodCrush in August, about 6 months ago.  

I’m married to my best friend and have two teenage boys. We live in central Wisconsin and I am a Software Product Manager.  In my free time, I love to hang with my family, make handmade cards and crochet.

It took me several years to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight after my first son. Even though I weighed less when going into my second pregnancy I gained the same 60 pounds and really struggled to try and get back to a healthy weight.

My husband and I both work in a town about 50 minutes from our home and our boys are active in after school activities so we found ourselves eating out more and more.

I was the heaviest I had ever been and last August I decided it was time to invest in myself! I joined the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge and focused on healthy eating.

Those first few weeks were tough trying to find time for the grocery shopping, the food prep and clean up, but I started to see results, started to feel better and kept focusing on the challenge.

My husband started to follow the plan a few weeks into the challenge since there was always food prepped and he could just warm up something when he was hungry. After the challenge was up, my husband and I talked about me becoming an annual member – which CleanFoodCrush offers as a way to stay on the program after the initial 30 days.

I knew I wasn’t ready to go out on my own yet so I signed up and continue to enjoy the Facebook groups each month. Rachel and her team of support staff are incredibly helpful and I’m so grateful a program like this exists in the world!

In January I got a gym membership and instead of sitting while my son is at Taekwondo, I go workout.  My husband decided to follow Week 1 of the challenge plan when he plateaued after Christmas. It was just what he needed to get through the plateau because week 1 is so strategically designed to get results!

I’m so thankful for what the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge has taught me and I find myself being curious and learning more all of the time. I want to continue on the Clean Eating path.

I’m slowly incorporating clearner foods into the house for the kids and while they aren’t always eating what my husband and I eat, I know they see us investing in our health and they are learning regardless.

I’ve lost 30 pounds and 7 1/2 inches from my waist since August.  I finally bought and feel comfortable in skinny jeans! My husband has lost over 40 pounds since September.

If you are thinking about doing the challenge, just do it! Let the challenge teach you about the right foods to eat, portion sizes, and following a Clean Eating schedule. 

Leverage the Facebook group to ask lots of questions – the moderators are great! And be kind to yourself. Know the scale isn’t the whole story. I still weigh myself almost every morning (shhh, don’t tell Rachel) as it helps me keep on target but I don’t panic when I gain a pound because that tends to happen to me over the weekend as my water intake isn’t as high/consistent as during the week.

I take measurements once a month and I pay attention to how I’m feeling and how my clothes fit.  Every day you will be presented with choices and some days you are going to feel like you’ve failed but just get back up, brush off and get back to the plan. The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is a life-changing program and I hope you’ll invest in yourself as I did. You’re worth it, and you can do this!


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