

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
12Jan, 21
Clean Food Love


Meet Diane, An Annual Member Who Lost over 65 Pounds With CleanFoodCrush!

Hello, my name is Diane and I’m 55 years old. I live in MN with my dog and two cats. I’m an International Trade Compliance Manager, working from home and sitting in front of my computer at least 40 hours per week. I love to travel and ride my Harley-Davidson on cross-country trips.

In August 2016 while riding in NY, I was hit from behind by a semi-truck. After being air-lifted to a trauma unit, I spent almost 3 months recovering enough that I was able to be transported home to continue my recovery. I spent more time in the hospital after getting home and a couple more months in a hospital bed in my living room. I underwent 33 surgeries (all but two to my left leg) and, the damage to my leg left me disfigured and with limited mobility but, I am grateful to be alive.

I struggled with weight my entire life and the accident certainly didn’t help.  I had tried almost every diet plan out there and nothing ever stuck. I’d be successful for a while then gain it all back, and more. With my new limited mobility and lymphedema (permanent swelling) in my foot and leg as a result of my accident, all the extra weight I was carrying was even more of a burden than it used to be.

At the end of 2019 I got on the scale at my doctor’s office and was horrified at the number I saw. I was the heaviest I’d ever been. I was uncomfortable, embarrassed and desperate.

After that serious reality check I decided to give the Clean Food Crush Challenge a try.

I joined the January 2, 2020 challenge and it was the best decision I’ve ever made!

I lost 14.6 pounds during that challenge and was so excited I knew I needed to continue so; I became an annual member. I knew I’d need the continued support of Rachel and her crew as well as all the other awesome people who were brave enough to give this clean eating lifestyle a try.

At the end of 2020 I was down a total of 65.1 pounds! I still have more to go so I signed-up for another annual membership! I’m excited to continue my weight loss and health journey in 2021.

Before joining CFC, I wasn’t much for cooking. I typically ate processed meals heated in the microwave and I definitely had a sugar addiction. With this new lifestyle, I was able to break free of my sugar habit as well as actually cook real food for myself. No more frozen diet meals for me! I am eating real food cooked in healthy ways and in proper portions. Since I’m still not a super fan of cooking (but it is growing on me), I like to make meals that I can cook in a skillet, pot or crockpot. 

Two of my favorite recipes are Rachel’s Unstuffed Bell Pepper & Quinoa Skillet and the Skinny Vegetable Soup. Both are easy to make, full of flavor and I can easily freeze portions for later.

Because Of The Challenge:

  • I feel so much healthier!

  • I sleep better.

  • I have much more energy.

  • I’ve had to buy new smaller clothes.

  • I no longer suffer from indigestion.

  • I’m much happier and more confident.

If I could offer words of wisdom to anyone thinking about joining, I’d say “Just do it!!” Go into it with a positive frame of mind. Be willing to try new things because let’s face it, you wouldn’t be thinking about this if what you’re currently doing is working.

All the new things you’ll learn can be overwhelming so be patient with yourself. Keep in mind this is not a diet or a race. This is a lifestyle change and it is about progress, not perfection. Making that important change in my mindset and having meals prepped for the week is key for me!!!

You can do this! It has taken me 55 years to finally get this figured out but now that I have, I’m not looking back!

– Diane

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