

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
10Sep, 18
Jennifer Lost 47 Pounds Clean Eating Weight Loss
Clean Food Love

Jennifers 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge Review

Hello, my name is Jennifer Gannon, I am 38 years old.

I lost 47 Pounds Eating Clean. This is my review of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.

My husband and I have been married for almost 18 years and have 3 beautiful daughters, ages 17, 14 and 10! I work for a mortgage company and have the privilege of working out of my home, which is great, but also requires that I spend a lot of my day sitting. For fun, I like to spend time with my family, doing anything we can together, be it swimming at the lake, hiking, fishing, driving around the countryside to see what we can find, or just relaxing at home together!

Before Clean Eating, I struggled to keep the weight off. I was a picky eater and did a lot of yo-yo dieting. I even tried different programs and prescription medication, but the weight would always come back and I’d gain a few more pounds than when I started!

Whenever that happened, I became depressed which caused me to eat even more. I used food for comfort to try and make myself feel better. I hated clothes shopping because everything I put on always made me feel terrible and then if I looked at the size, I would feel even worse.

Grilled Corn Salad Creamy Lime Dressing by CleanFoodCrush
I began following some of the CleanFoodCrush recipes for months and shed about 18 pounds in a year and a half before I decided to take the plunge and go all in.

I felt like there was nothing to lose. If it didn’t work, I would be the same as all the other ‘diets’ I had tried and if not, then I just had pounds to lose… and lose I did!

In January of this year, I decided to go all in with the CleanFoodCrush Clean Eating lifestyle change and have felt wonderful since!

Jennifer Lost 47 Pounds with 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge
Since January, I have lost 29 lbs (a total of 47 lbs altogether) and 17 inches (I didn’t measure myself before doing the full 30 day challenge)! I am down 2 pants sizes (about to be down 3) and feel fabulous!

My family has mostly supported me but my husband has his own approach to food and that’s ok. He’s gone back and forth with trying new recipes with me, but not always. My 14-year-old loves all of the food and is always eager to try new recipes. The other 2 are way pickier but don’t complain about the food I want to eat, and there are a few recipes I have to fight them for so they don’t eat it all before I get what I need!

If anyone is on the fence about trying the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge I would strongly encourage you to take the challenge. It will change your life!

It has been so easy to stick to and the food is delicious. I eat so many things now that I would have never tried in the past because they taste so wonderful and are super easy to make. The private Clean Eating group is great to get you through any trying times you might encounter along the way!

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge


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