All About Wild Salmon and 20 Recipes
Salmon makes almost every “superfood” list out there, and it deserves its spot!
I always prefer using wild salmon, as it has more vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Wild-caught salmon has fewer calories and half of the amount of fat than farmed salmon, which contains more saturated fat and contaminants.
Because of the salmon’s natural diet, it contains an antioxidant called astaxanthin, which gives the meat a beautiful dark pink to red color.
And although wild-caught salmon typically costs a bit more than farmed salmon, it’s definitely worth it! I try to catch it when it’s on sale.
Thanks to its nutrients, particularly the combination of omega-3 fatty acids and potassium, salmon has many health benefits, including:
Reduce artery inflammation
Lower cholesterol levels
Maintain blood pressure
Prevent excess fluid retention
Improve brain function
May benefit weight management
Boost mood
Support hair and skin health
Support bone health