

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
10Mar, 15
Clean Food Love

Say Goodbye to Late Night Snacking

Late night snacking is a huge concern for many of the people I work with in our private groups.

We are so busy during our day; skipping meals, by the time 8pm hits, we feel ravenous.

Here are some SIMPLE ideas to stop the cycle & reach your goals!

CleanFoodCrush Tips to Avoid Night-time Snacking:

Don't let this happen to you. :)

Avoid unhealthy late night snacks.

Good HABITS and the right foods during the day will solve late night snacking:

  • Plan ahead! Take a few minutes each night preparing your favorite healthy foods for the next day
  • Eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day
  • Eat a green vegetable with every meal
  • Increase daily protein intake (some say your weight in grams of protein, especially if working out daily)
  • PLAN for nighttime eating. Break up or space your meals so that you have one at that time of night
  • Make sure to have post-workout protein shake or high protein meal within an hour after working out; helps with cravings later in the day and night
  • Eat most of your carbs earlier in the day
  • Eat more GOOD fats throughout the day
  • Eating Clean (no processed, all whole foods) helps reduce cravings at night

If you want to flat-out avoid late-night eating late at night, then:

  • Stay away from refined sugar, especially at night (increases your cravings!)
  • Close the kitchen! Clean, light-off, STAY OUT
  • Brush your teeth
  • Drink a big glass of water
  • Drink green and/or herbal teas with a squeeze of fresh lemon
  • Go to bed: read, listen to something, whatever is relaxing but stay in bed
  • Sit in the bathtub
  • Go for a walk
  • Take a probiotic at bedtime
  • Try on & pick out an outfit for the next day
  • Call a friend, call your Mom
  • Chew gum
  • Keep your hands busy: crocheting, knitting, writing, etc.
  • Check the emotions: boredom, “reward†feeling after getting kids to bed, anxiety about work left to do, etc. Identify the emotion behind the urge to snack at night, sit with it a minute, then drink a big glass of water or tea instead!
If you have to have something, try some popcorn.

Fit one or two of these ideas into your day, make it a habit, and watch what happens

If you must eat something before bed, then:

  • Scrambled egg whites with sugar free salsa
  • Protein shake: water or almond milk plus one scoop protein powder, stevia, cinnamon, Barlean’s key lime fish oil.  ( I use Jay Robb’s Protein Powder.  It doesn’t contain any sugar.)
  • Veggies like celery sticks, carrots, broccoli etc. Add 1-2 tbsp hummus, salsa, etc.
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened Greek yogurt with a tbsp of natural nut butter, a scoop of chocolate or vanilla protein powder, a tbsp of chia seeds, frozen berries, vanilla, OR a drop of stevia (watch the adding up of calories here, can easily become high-calorie).
  • 1 cup homemade Air-popped non-gmo popcorn with a sprinkle of sea salt
  • Casein slow release shake
  • 1-2 tbsp. sugar-free nut butter
  • Roasted chickpeas.
  • A small handful of raw nuts such as almonds

Fit one or two of these ideas into your day, make it a habit, and watch what happens!

Let me know how it goes for you!


Many of these ideas were submitted by members of our online community, THANK YOU!

Join FREE here: Cleanfoodcrush.com/challenge


Got your own idea?   Leave it as a comment below, I’d love to hear more!

Registration for our NEXT 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is now available.

This brand new program is a 30 Day Clean Eating plan that holds you accountable, and provides the tools and motivation to your healthy goals!

You will work directly with ME in a private group in order to stay committed.

We have done similar groups before, with many customer success stories, and I expect this group to have the best results yet!

I can’t explain the entire program in just one paragraph, so simply go to https://cleanfoodlove.com/challenge/

CFC-banner-12Read about our CFC 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, see if it’s the right fit for you, and get started!

We begin the Next Challenge soon! You will have the time to commit.

** We have added an automatic 34% discount to the sales page. **

There’s even a payment plan if you would like to spilt the cost between 2 months. (Highly Recommended!)

This is for a Limited Time for a Limited Group only, and I have a feeling we’re going to sell out early!

https://cleanfoodlove.com/challenge/has all the details on our 4 Week Clean Eating Accountability eProgram.


<3 Rachel

P.S. If you are the type of person that likes having somebody to be accountable to,

then you will definitely want to see what we have put together for you.

Email me at: CleanFoodCrush@gmail.com if you have any questions or trouble ordering.

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