

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
12Feb, 18
Ruths 30 Day Clean Eating Transformation
Clean Food Love

Ruth 15 Pounds Weight Loss Story

Hi there!

My name is Ruth and I am a 33-year-old full-time stay-at-home mother.

I lost 15 pounds  with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge and I’m thrilled to share a bit of my journey with you today 🙂

I am married to my best friend, David and we have three beautiful kids: Rhianna, Rylea and David, II.  I enjoy singing, meditating, and spending time with my family.  

In June 2017, I started having several health complications: chronic knee pain and other arthritic changes throughout my body. From there, I knew I needed to make changes for myself. It was time to give Clean Eating a worthy try.

I begin making Rachel’s recipes just to try them out with my family. Some were a success and some weren’t as well received, and that’s when I discussed the challenge with my husband who participated with me in the 30 day Clean Eating Challenge.  

Healthy citrus mix drinks
The first week I saw changes in my skin, my inflammation was diminishing, and the weight/inches were falling off.  

The process itself wasn’t challenging, but the challenge was getting my mind in the right headspace. I was determined to develop a new, healthy relationship with food and I am so glad I decided to make the change.

I Have Made HUGE Changes in My life Thanks to the Challenge, Here Are Some of My Results:

  • I have already lost 15lbs!
  • I am now able to run when my daughter ask me too, which was huge for me.
  • I am resting great at night.
  • I have loads of energy to care for our 2-year-old b/g twins and 6-year-old daughter.
  • But most of all, I got my health back on track.

Ruths 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Result

At first, my husband was skeptical about the program and my oldest daughter was not interested.

However, when I committed to the process everything fell into place. Now my daughter is asking for the recipes that I have introduced to her and my husband is enjoying the new meals that I make weekly! Having my family on board makes my heart smile, and I am glad we can hold each other accountable. We are all learning to do better, so we can be better.

30 Day Clean Eating Menu Plan

If you are hesitating to try the challenge, please don’t wait. When you start, trust the process!

The change that you want to see has to begin with you.  We are all given choices in life and what we do with those choices matter.  Stay positive and surround yourself with positive people.  Your life is so worth it!

30-Day Clean Eating Challenge

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