

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
11Sep, 19
Clean Food Love

Hello! My name is Denise and I am 55 years young! 

I’m thrilled to share my interview with CleanFoodCrush about my experience on the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge 🙂 

Thank you for sharing your story with the CleanFoodCrush community, tell us a bit about yourself!

I have been married to the love of my life and my college sweetheart for 32 years. I have worked in education for 32 years and I am currently a Learning Consultant Teacher Consultant. I have two children; ages 23 and 28 and of course the most perfect dog, KoKo who is a 13-year-old boxer.

In my free time, I enjoy working out and training. I also enjoy spinning (indoor cycle). I also enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. I have followed CFC for a while and have always loved the recipes.

What were you struggling with before you discovered CleanFoodCrush and Clean Eating?

 Prior to Clean Eating my greatest challenges were carbs and nighttime snacks! At times, I had difficulty with portion control as well.  Typically I cooked healthy (no frying) although there is so much more to being healthy and I really learned that this year.

 How has CleanFoodCrush and the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge help you to transform?

CFC has allowed me to gain a better understanding of my body and the best way to fuel it. Prior to committing to the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, I used many of Rachel’s recipes and I was never disappointed.  My family enjoyed them as well. While on the Challenge I knew what made me feel good and what made my body feel worse. 

I remember the one day during week 3 I had a sugar craving or at least I thought I did but I think it was because I was surrounded by junk candy in Five Below. I couldn’t get away from the sweet and sour gummies which I loved! Every single aisle I turned there they were. So I thought to myself, “I’ll just buy them and have a few and throw them out” which is exactly what I did! I probably ate about 10 of them and threw the bag out in the trash outside the store. Still, my body crashed within 20 minutes of ingesting them. I was out for the count!

Of course, I got on the CleanFoodCrush private group and asked for suggestions, and everyone was so supportive with great ideas. CFC has given me the opportunity to truly educate myself on what I am putting in my body. I take time to read ingredients and when I don’t know something I ask in the FB group. The support is absolutely amazing and quick!

What kind of results have you experienced physically and otherwise from doing the challenge?

So far, I have lost a total of 17 pounds and 10 inches! During CFC challenge my energy levels were amazing. Prior to the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge  I experienced difficulty sleeping throughout the night, but now I am sleeping better and waking up with more energy.  I am menopausal so that adds an extra layer of challenge on weight loss and sleep. But CleanFoodCrush has been a life-saver. 

The overall results that I have noticed are my energy levels. Another exciting bonus is that I was NEVER hungry or as my daughter would say “hangry” during the challenge.  I put an alarm on my phone to remind me to have my snack or my meal because I truly wasn’t hungry, and that’s a VERY satisfying way to lose weight. My brain fog is gone, and I have a clear understanding of what is healthy for me, and how to choose foods that are best for my body.

How did your family take to this new lifestyle? 

 The experience has been unbelievable for my family and me! As far as my family, my husband was a bit hesitant at first and he is a Type I diabetic, although after reviewing the material he was sold.  His sugar levels have never been better. My daughter was also a part of CleanFoodCrush and I describe her as a ‘Carbotarian’, she absolutely LOVES carbs. She works an overnight shift so her schedule is a bit wacky but I have noticed that she is on a healthier sleep cycle. She says she feels so much better and has much more energy while she’s at work these days.  She’s also lost a few pounds and feels way less bloated!

What words of wisdom do you have for newcomers who are interested in taking the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge?

I would encourage anyone to try the program for 30 days.  I wish I would have done it sooner. Eating Clean has helped me in so many ways but the most impactful change for me was getting my energy levels back. I never feel bloated and I don’t crash as long as I am following the CleanFoodCrush philosophy. I appreciate that Rachel and her team aren’t rigid, and incredibly supportive.

I don’t allow the scale to derail my efforts and I always knew I was losing weight even when the scale did not reflect weight loss because I was losing inches. I love the fact that I can go out to eat and make healthy choices. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything! Do yourself a favor, if you have been using the recipes and ‘creeping’ on CFC pages just DO IT! You will not be disappointed and the transformation will amaze you! You are worth it! ❤️

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