

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
16Sep, 19
Clean Food Love

Hi there, my name is Kasey and I have been following Rachel for about 3 years but never took the plunge into the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge until January.

My only regret is that I didn’t take the challenge earlier! I lost 16 pounds, here’s my story 🙂 

I have been following the plan pretty closely in between challenges, really trying to do the 80/20 (if not more!) leaving a little bit of flexibility one day on the weekends. 

I traveled a lot in May, indulged too much, and quickly noticed a lot of bloating. I felt awful and was very disappointed in myself. I saw another 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge posted and I knew I had to sign up to regain the accountability of fellow Crushers.

I used my second round of the challenge as an opportunity to try a lot of new recipes I had not tried previously.

I found a new accountability partner that is really keeping me focused. The challenges offer so much support! 

Since switching to Clean Eating, I feel more energized and have clearer skin. I’m a way happier person and I love that!

I no longer feel disgusted every time I see myself in the mirror. I used to take antacids weekly, sometimes multiple times a day. I don’t even know the last time I had heartburn! The weight loss is also pretty awesome. I was 163 beginning of this year and am now 147. Fitting into my old clothes makes me so happy!  I lost a total of 16 pounds – amazing!

My favorite thing this challenge was finding an accountability partner. We talk every single day and keep each other on track. I like seeing photos of the recipes Crushers are trying. There are so many options for meals! My favorite thing right now to eat are the spicy meatballs with zoodles. The meatballs are so delicious!

My motivation continues to be fitting into my old clothes and feeling comfortable in my body. Every day at work I have to walk down a hallway basically covered with mirrors. I used to feel so disgusted every time I saw my reflection. I no longer feel that way! I am happier and now, I actually smile when I go down that hallway. I feel happy with myself and am proud of how far I have come in just 6 months. 

Joining the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge has completely transformed my life for the better. I am mindful of what I eat. About once a month, I have a ‘Kasey’ night. That used to include Taco Bell and ice cream. Now, it includes a CFC approved recipe and a small piece of dark chocolate.

It is important to realize what we are putting in our bodies makes a big impact on how we feel from the inside out. I don’t feel like I’m missing out because I’ve changed my taste buds and what my body craves. In essence, I’ve created a foundation of wellness in my body.

Now I read all labels before I put anything into my shopping cart. Every Saturday, we go on the boat for the day. Instead of drinking and eating chips all day, I pack cucumbers (my favorite snack), Ezekiel bread with nitrate-free turkey, and lots of water. Rachel and her team have made me realize how important healthy foods are and how good they make me feel. 

I wish the old me, 2 years ago would have joined this challenge then instead of waiting so long! I kept thinking ‘this isn’t the right time, I have too much going on right now.’ Wrong. I had 2 trips planned during my first challenge. Being on the challenge made me stay focused and mindful. Now I know it is possible to make healthy choices even on vacation. 

I encourage you to take the leap and join the next 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. Really stay focused for those 30 days. Afterward, you will feel so proud of yourself and your accomplishments! Take before and after pictures! You will regret it if you don’t!

CleanFoodCrush has created a new lifestyle for me and I am SO happy I invested the $97 in myself. 

Thank you Rachel and team. You are the best.
~ Kasey


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