

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
28Jul, 20
Clean Food Love

Meet Melissa, Who Lost 16.4 Pounds and 12 inches in 60 Days with CleanFoodCrush!

My name is Melissa, I am 41, a wife to my extremely supportive husband, for 16 years, and mother to a spirited 6-year-old. I am a travel agent who loves cruising and all things Disney.

Prior to CleanFoodCrush and a healthier lifestyle, I was a chronic late-night snacker and overall food addict.

I often ate fast food on the way home or just “picked something up.” I was too tired to cook or plan meals, due to years of excessive weight gain and unhealthy eating.

I did not exercise regularly and found myself often sitting for excessive periods of time and binge-watching tv. I was too tired to play with my own child who we struggled to get pregnant with, and couldn’t understand why if we fought so hard to have her, why I didn’t want to spend time playing with her.

After several years of working on my weight and losing a significant amount, I was looking for something that could help propel me closer to my healthy lifestyle goals and that would be sustainable long term. I also wanted meals that my picky family would love and not continue to prep separate meals for myself and my family.

Since beginning the clean eating challenge, I’ve learned a lot about food and ingredients overall, and that, what seems “healthy”, may not be. I’ve learned how important nutrition education is.

After 60 days on the Clean Eating Challenge, I am down 16.4 lbs and 12 inches overall.

My size 4 clothes fit AND look good! I’m not done, still working on lower baby belly fat. However, I am extremely pleased and finally starting to feel thin again and like the way I look. I was living in yoga/running pants and t-shirts, and now I’m actually getting dressed in REAL clothes! I’m excited to continue my clean eating journey. I’ve come a long way in this journey as well as my overall journey to a healthier life.

I encourage you to continue doing what challenges you, for that’s the only way to get to your goals.



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