

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
4Apr, 23
Clean Food Love

Meet Brandi, She Lost 13 Pounds and Has New Respect for Clean Eating!

My name is Brandi. I am 53, a mother of 3 and grandma of 1 amazing eight-year-old! I work in a high-stress Director position at a growing company, managing and mentoring several people. In the cold winters in Utah, I like to stay inside and read and in the warm summers, and I love to sit outside and read!

I have been along for the ride with CleanFoodCrush for a couple of years now.

Breakfast with my Bestie 🙂

I was one of those who tried all the diets.

I was completely focused on weight loss.

Weight has always been a struggle for me throughout my whole life. I would try different diet and exercise plans but always went back to old habits.

I was introduced to CFC by my friend and trainer Kenny, who owns a gym in Lehi, UT. Since going back to the office post-Covid, I let work and stress get the best of me and “fell off the wagon” so to speak. With rushing back and forth to the office and long hours it was really easy to turn back to quick lunches and fast food for convenience.

At the end of 2022, after a year in a new demanding position, I was feeling drained, tired, and run down mentally.

I made the decision to focus on my physical and mental health and start back to the gym in December 2022. I signed back up for the 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge and did the sugar cleanse to kick start getting back into shape. Combining training and working out with the Challenge, I get to eat 2000-2300 calories a day.

I needed to change my mindset from weight loss to fat loss.

I needed to stay off the scale and measure my success by how my clothes were fitting. After decades of focusing on weight only, it has been very difficult to not hop on the scale all the time.

I began strength training and eating clean. I love the recipes with CFC. They are easy, taste great and very easy for me to customize if there are some ingredients that I do not like. One of my favorite recipes is the Orange Chicken. This is my go-to meal prep lunch. I also love the Butter Steak Bites, although I do stay mostly with the chicken recipes.

I now have a new respect for eating clean and the benefits you can achieve from it.

I’ve lost 13 pounds and I did not realize how unhealthy and how much added sugar and processed food I actually had in my diet.

The thing that has most stuck with me this time around is: Progress is Key, not Perfection.

➡️ Gaining weight and fat took time and it will take time for that weight to come off as well. I am not focusing on weight loss, I am focused on fat loss.

➡️ I feel the key is consistency and eating clean.

➡️ I have seen a huge improvement in my mood and energy level.

➡️ Progress pictures really help you see what the scale does not show you. That is why I prefer them over the scale’s number!

I sleep like a baby and my energy is sustained all day! ( no more midday slumps)

The best advice I could give to anyone is EAT CLEAN, be active, and be consistent.

Results will not happen overnight.

Take progress pictures instead of focusing on the scale.

Taking the CleanFoodCrush Challenge has helped me find many ways to enjoy food and eat healthy to get to where I want to be! Stay active, eat clean, and have patience!

– Brandi

Ready to Get the Tools and Support That Helped Brandi Succeed? Come and Join the Challenge!

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