Nutrition During Menopause: Tips for Balancing Hormones and Managing Symptoms If you’re a woman of mid-life age, the subject of menopause has likely been on your mind at some point. The bodily changes that occur during this time are often dreaded by most women due to the unwanted symptoms that often accompany it. Thankfully, what Read More!
Chocolate Pumpkin Balls 🎃 Aka: THE Ultimate October Truffles!😻 These little babies are completely indulgent in the best possible way. Pumpkin is super filling and satisfying, thanks to its high fiber content, but pumpkin is also low-calorie. So, it’ll fill you up, with high nutrients = energy fuel! Pumpkin also contains beta carotene, which converts Read More!
Meet Julie, Who lost 13.9 Pounds During the CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! “Hi, I’m Julie and I am a 47 year old mom, wife, and architect with a demanding job. I came off a full hip replacement surgery 6 months ago, completed my physical therapy, and then the pandemic hit. My gym time Read More!
Shrimp Thai ~ Inspired Salad 🌱 Flavor EXPLOSION happening right here you guys! Looking for something quick and flavorful? What You’ll need: A big bunch of various fresh herbs A few veggies and a pound of raw shrimp 1 hot skillet to quickly cook your shrimp, and just a few minutes to chop everything up… Read More!
Good Morning Oatmeal Waffles 🍴🍓🍯😋 Oatmeal in the form of beautiful homemade WAFFLES! Super Simple, Whole-Food recipe and they are beyond Scrumptious! Oatmeal is a COMPLEX carbohydrate, that our body uses VERY well for sustainable energy. If your current goal is weight loss and/or overall health, I strongly suggest that you eat more COMPLEX carbohydrates Read More!
Chocolate Apple Slice Pops 🍎🍫🍎 Gotta make these with the kids this weekend! ➡️ When shopping for ingredients: Look for a higher percentage cacao for the chocolate chips, and always read ingredients. I like to buy the highest quality I can find when it’s on SALE! I’m always keeping an eye out for a good Read More!
10 Reasons to Improve Your Eating Habits Did anyone else ask “why” all the time as a child? Does anyone’s child ask “why” about every tiny thing? Anyone still asking, “why”? Why should I improve my eating habits? Life is fine just the way it is… Well, there are many, many reasons to eat a Read More!
Turmeric Ginger Chicken Rice Skillet 🌱🍋 This one-pan chicken dish is mighty tasty, and wonderful for a quick Dinner or Meal Prep idea! TURMERIC has been shown to dramatically increase the antioxidant capacity inside our bodies. Oxidative damage is believed to be one of the culprits behind early aging and many diseases. Turmeric also contains Read More!
Meet Tiffany Who Lost 13 Pounds and 13 inches in 30 Days with CleanFoodCrush! I’m Tiffany. I am 35 years old and I have been active, athletic (dance, swimming, and powerlifting mainly), and relatively healthy for most of my life. I love to sing and act as well as venturing into playwriting because I love Read More!
CFC Creamy Green Shakshuka 🌱 Our healthy twist on traditional shakshuka turned out beautifully! Green on Green…a pretty great way to start the day, wouldn’t ya say!!? But seriously – it can be challenging to get enough green veggies in each day, so recipes like this make our veggie goals DOABLE & DELICIOUS! Rich creamy, Read More!