Meet Carie, Who Lost 30 Pounds with CleanFoodCrush!
My name is Carie and I am 47 years old. I live with my sister and her 8yr old son. I am a sign language interpreter working full time in education as well as freelancing. For fun I enjoy reading, cooking and traveling. We have a camper that we like to take out each summer to see new parts of the country and visit friends and family.
I struggled with sugar addiction, problems sleeping and keeping up with my nephew and the kids I worked with. I was working in a kindergarten classroom and would come home exhausted! Also, I have a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes. When I saw myself heading down that path I knew I had to do something. So I joined the CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.
Having a plan to follow makes it so much easier than trying to guess what and when I should be eating.
With the support and guidance from Rachel and her team, I have been able to change my relationship with food. I don’t feel like I am being deprived of sugar and the other unhealthy things I used to enjoy, but I am providing the fuel that my body needs to be healthy.
Since joining the 30 Day Challenge:
- My blood pressure has dropped.
- I get almost no headaches (which I got regularly before, and even if I do get a headache it goes away quicker than they used to)
- No more heartburn
- My cravings are reduced
- my willpower is stronger to resist junk food
- I also have more energy.
I think I’ll be able to keep up with those kindergartners this year! Especially since my joints are feeling better too.
I lost 15 pounds in the first 30 days and knew I wanted to become an Annual Member.
Now, in Only Four Months I am Down 30 Pounds!
It’s made a big enough difference that my brother and sister-in-law, sister, and sister’s best friend have all joined a 30 day challenge.
When I went to donate blood recently the tech was impressed with my blood pressure, and she was shocked when I told her I had lost 25 pounds during quarantine (when everyone else seemed to be gaining). I made sure she had the information about Clean Food Crush before I left.
The first 30 day challenge coincided with quarantine. Although it wasn’t necessarily easy to find all the ingredients I needed, it gave me something positive to focus on. My family has been open to trying the new recipes and we have found several we really enjoy.
I am having fun cooking new recipes and seeing what others post on Facebook that I add to my list to try.
Thinking about joining the challenge? Do it! Identify your “why” and trust the system. You are worth it. There is so much positive energy and encouragement in the facebook group, along with great information to help you become the best, healthiest version of yourself that you can be.