
All posts in 'Sides'

2Jan, 22

Cauliflower Rice Risotto This recipe is extremely satisfying on many levels and one that I like to make when my craving for something cozy, indulgent, creamy, & cheesy needs its fix! āž”ļø Rachel’s tips: You can use pre-cut cauliflower rice to make this even quicker! This can be found just about everywhere these days. Often Read More!

1Jan, 22

Garlic-Herb Sauteed Mushrooms Where are our MUSHROOM LOVERS at?! The older (wiser) I get – the more I absolutely LOVE mushrooms…anyone else? This is a VERY GOOD thing because mushrooms are LOADED with nutritional benefits. This recipe is equally great alongside a quick weeknight dinner, OR as a delicious side dish for a special holiday Read More!

23Dec, 21

Roasted Balsamic + Cheese Green Beans It’s Christmas Eve, Eve and to be completely honest my list of to-dos’ is still pretty large. It seems that no matter how early I try to get things accomplished, the more “things to do” seem to find me…haha…you too?! I’m going to make one last trip to venture Read More!

19Dec, 21

Air-Fried Brussels Sprouts We’ve been using our air fryer for just about everything lately. Quick, efficient, and we LOVE the crispy crunchy results our air fryer produces. Do you use an air fryer? Easy enough for a quick weeknight dinner or meal prep, yet they’re delicious enough to receive a promotion to your holiday table. Read More!

11Dec, 21

Margherita Roasted Green Beans šŸŒ±šŸ… Green Beans are one of my most favorite side dishes. Whether they’re in a salad, steamed, roasted – I just absolutely love em’! Our Margherita Roasted Green Beans are pretty simple to prepare and full of delicious flavors. These Ingredients (minus the green beans – ha!) can be found on Read More!

5Dec, 21

Roasted Cauliflower Parmesan This is SO GOOD & SO EASY! Put the ingredients on your shopping list ASAP and make yourself an incredible treat using one of MY favorite veggies – the amazing (chameleon of vegetables) CAULIFLOWER! ā“ Whatā€™s your favorite way to eat cauliflower ā€“ mashed like potato, transformed into pizza crust, roasted whole, Read More!

7Nov, 21

Wild Rice + Sausage Stuffing Let’s try something a little different this holiday season! Our wild rice stuffing is SO SO GOOD and packed with lots of familiar fall favorite flavors! Wild Rice takes a bit longer to cook but it’s really worth the wait. Perfectly al dente with lots of beautiful texture. This recipe Read More!

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