

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
1Mar, 16
Clean Food Love

Clean Eating Transformation – Daisy Heinrich

“I started this journey about 4 years ago in 2011, trying to lose weight. I put on a lot after my mom passed, I weighed 189 pounds at 5 ft 4 in. wearing a size 12 pants and large shirt, I have never weighed that much or ever been that big.

I was trying everything I can to get the weight off, leaving sugar alone, I joined weight watchers online. Thought that would help only I still ate chocolate, peanut butter & jelly, microwave popcorn, cake icing, sodas, sweet tea, you name it. So I stopped weight watchers and started slim fast, well even with that I was still hungry.

I stopped that and started diet pills… well that didn’t help, it made my jittery along with still hungry for sugar foods. All that diet mess was a complete waste of money. I joined curves started working out only if you don’t change your eating habits the working out is just a waste.

Any weight I would lose would come back. I knew I had to change.

I was tired of feeling fat & miserable so I did some research online to look for sugar detox / clean eating programs. So many options but the only one that caught my eye was Rachel’s. I reached out to Rachel telling her I need help, that’s when I started this program in April 2015 and there was no looking back!

I started following the Clean Food Crush Plan preparing my meals, drinking water and then it happened. I started to feel better, less bloat, sugar cravings finally started to go away, I started to fall in love with this program.

I wanted to continue eating clean! I didn’t want to stop!

I love how I feel, the energy I have, complexion of my skin not to mention my confidence is through the roof and I now weigh 135 size small in shirts, 6 in jeans!!!

This program changed my life in so many ways that I will continue with clean eating. Doing this monthly is important to me as it helps to keep me on track, great accountability, and a great group of new friends!!!! Finally found something that works and I will never look back, for 2016 my goal is to continue with my clean eating journey as this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix!!

Thank you Rachel for all you do in helping everyone reach their goal!!!”

– Daisy

Follow the exact same eating plan as Daisy during our next 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Bundle
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