Hi! My name is Elena and I am 32 years old and a wife and mother to a beautiful 2 year old little girl. 🙂
This is my story and experience of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, and I’m so excited to share this journey with you.
My husband works for the local fire department and has 2 other jobs so I can stay home and take care of our daughter. While we have very limited time off together, we do like to do lots of outdoor activities and go out to eat when it works.
Before we got pregnant with our daughter, I had started to put on weight. We had overcome several obstacles in our first few years of marriage. These caused some stress and anxiety which, in turn, ended in significant weight gain. When we started trying I thought I had time to drop some weight before I actually got pregnant. God clearly had different plans and we got pregnant the first month we started trying. I got pregnant at 190lbs, had my daughter at 215lbs, and have fluctuated between 205-215 since she was born 2.5 years ago. I am only 5’2″ so that is a lot of weight I just shouldn’t be carrying.
In February, I was just done with being so unhappy with myself. I joined the March 6th 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge and it has changed my life (and my family’s).
On March 6th, I started the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge with CleanFoodCrush and I weighed 208.6 lbs and my waist was 47.7 inches.
On day 30, I weighed 198.2 and my waist was at 39.9 inches.
Those numbers are great and please me to no end! My clothes are loose and I am incredibly motivated now to keep going.
Despite seeing and feeling a major change, I also had drastic internal changes that have me pleased beyond my weight loss and inches lost.
- My cholesterol was very high last May (borderline needing medication…kind of scary for my age).
- My calculated LDL went down 45 points and my VLDL went down 17 points. This decrease in my cholesterol was solely due to 30 days of clean eating and minimal exercise.
- This has changed my life and health beyond words.
This 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is more than a just program, it is truly a lifestyle changes. When you can see results in your clothes, the way you feel, and final test results after just one month, it is a program worth trying.
I am beyond excited to continue down this path and so is my family. My husband is clearly losing weight without trying too and my 2 year old is developing wonderful eating habits that I wish I had had my whole life.
We all could not be happier with our new way of life. With the amazing support group and following Rachel’s week by week approach to clean eating, anyone can change their life. It does take hard work and commitment but when you are doing it in a group, it’s not as hard as you would think.
❤Elena Weston