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Flavorful “Riced” Cabbage

Fall in love with cabbage?!! Yes, you read that right, cabbage!

Flavorful “Riced” Cabbage is a dish so delicious and versatile that you’ll want to make it a staple in your kitchen. This recipe is not only a great way to sneak in some extra veggies, but it’s also incredibly easy to make and packed with nutrients.

As someone who’s passionate about healthy eating and living, I’m always on the lookout for FUN ways to incorporate more vegetables into my family’s diet. And let’s be real, sometimes it can be challenging to get enough veggies in!

That’s why I’ve put together some simple tips below to help you add more veggies to your weekly routine.

But first, let’s talk about the star of the show – cabbage!

This humble vegetable is often underrated, but it’s a powerhouse of nutrition, low in calories, and high in fiber. And the best part? It’s affordable and accessible!

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started on this flavorful journey and make some “Riced” Cabbage magic happen this week!

What’s better? Packing each meal with a full serving of vegetables, or eating something incredibly flavorful and satisfying?

You likely already know what I’m going to say here – there’s no reason to compromise! You’ll just need a good recipe that’s also simple (this one), a nudge from someone who cares (me), and willingness to try something new (that’s why you’re here!).

Cabbage was on sale at my local grocer last week, so I’ve been including it in a lot of different meals.

It has been fun experimenting with new recipes and ideas using cabbage.

My weekly meal planning is completely decided by whatever I find ON SALE. This way, we’re always consuming an abundance of fresh produce while keeping our family budget in check.

Cabbage is a very underrated vegetable.

It’s very LOW in calories, HIGH in nutrients and fiber. Definitely, a vegetable that we could all be eating more of!

In terms of price per cup, a report by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) has shown cabbage to be the second most economical cooked vegetable in terms of price per edible cup. Yes! Grab some fresh cabbage next time you’re out & about!

Many people don’t know what a powerhouse of a food cabbage really is. I’ve been preparing & enjoying it on the regular for the past 15 years…. added to soups, roasted, and shredded into recipes like this 😍 I’m pretty obsessed – so here’s your gentle nudge to eat more cabbage.

🤯It’s estimated that 90% of us don’t get enough vegetables every day.

90%! Pretty shocking, right?

According to the USDA, most of us need between 2 and 4 cups a day.

But the truth is, most people don’t sit down to eat a big bowl of veggies every day.

Veggies usually end up as an afterthought in a side dish.

This is why sneaking veggies into your meals is such a great idea! It’s an easy way to get more of them into your diet.

I know this tip might fall into the category “I know this, but I don’t do it very often.”

Consider this your reminder that it’s time to START! 🙂

I have some creative ideas to get you going.

7 Easy Ways to Add More Veggies to Your Day:

1. Stir cabbage, spinach, kale, peas, zucchini, onions, asparagus, mushrooms, broccoli, peppers, or any other green into your eggs – think: veggie omelets, frittatas, scrambles, or baked vegetable quiche/casserole.

2. Shred zucchini or carrots into overnight oats, muffins, or chia pudding – or stir them into your oats while they cook (surprisingly yum!)

3. Make a big batch of veggie hash (basically sauté a bunch of veggies together) ahead of time, and when it’s time to eat, heat it up and add a poached egg on top.

4. Add frozen cauliflower, frozen beets, frozen kale, or frozen spinach to your smoothies.

5. Top your avocado toast with freshly snipped herbs & micro greens (yes, fresh herbs & micro greens count!).

6. Make a grain bowl with leftover quinoa or rice and stir in some spinach and feta/goat cheese while you heat it up. This will keep you feeling full for hours!

7. Make this Flavorful “Riced” Cabbage. You will be shocked by how delicious it is!

🌱Your assignment: Sneak some extra veggies into your meals each day this week.

💡You don’t have to overhaul your entire lifestyle to feel healthier and more energized fast.

🛒It really IS about making small changes over time that you can actually live with!

📉We’re all about creating REAL sustainable transformation and change.

4 servings


  • 1 green cabbage, chopped into large pieces
  • 1 red bell pepper, small diced
  • 1 large yellow onion, small diced
  • 2 Tbsps avocado oil, olive oil, unrefined organic coconut oil, ghee, or beef tallow
  • 4 fresh garlic cloves, pressed
  • sea salt and ground pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup frozen green baby peas, thawed
  • 1 bunch chopped parsley or cilantro
  • sesame seeds, to garnish
  • green onions, to garnish
  • coconut aminos, tamari, Braggs liquid aminos, or low sodium soy sauce


Dice your red pepper and your onion very small. Press or mince your fresh garlic cloves.

Cut your cabbage head in half and remove the tough core. Slice into 1-inch pieces and place them in a food processor in several separate batches.

Working in smaller batches, pulse to chop the cabbage pieces just until it resembles the size of rice.

Heat your oil in a large skillet or wok over medium heat. Sauté your diced onion, bell pepper, and garlic for a couple of minutes.

Stir in the cabbage and cook, stirring frequently, until it shrinks to about half its initial size.

Season with sea salt and pepper to your taste then add in the thawed peas and parsley.  Stir well to combine and remove from heat.

Garnish with sesame seeds and green onions, then serve with coconut aminos, if desired.

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