
Search Results for: pumpkin

18Dec, 22

Rachel’s Simple Pumpkin Soup I love pumpkin. A lot. Maybe quite a bit more than most people in my family ๐Ÿ˜… I buy canned pumpkin in bulk when I spot a GOOD sale, so I always have a lot of pumpkin in the pantry. Pumpkin has many different uses, from creating savory meals to delicious Read More!

25Nov, 22

Hot Pumpkin Milk In case this weekend’s plans involve pj’s, family, and possibly decorating for the holidays, I have a very special hot drink recipe for you to serve while creating cherished memories. Are you a pumpkin fan? I’m not just a fan. I’m completely obsessed. COMPLETELY. There are SO MANY reasons to add pumpkin Read More!

11Nov, 22

Pumpkin + Pomegranate Holiday Salad A GORGEOUS Salad to add some greens to your upcoming holiday plans! We’re using bright, fresh, seasonal ingredients like fresh pumpkin and pomegranate to create a stunning salad that’s worthy of being served alongside your most time-honored traditional family holiday meals. ๐ŸŠThis fresh orange vinaigrette dressing is practically drinkable – Read More!

4Nov, 22

Pumpkin-Whipped Cottage Cheese We’re always on the prowl for NEW healthy desserts and snack ideas, especially when they’re simple and easy to make. Pumpkin Whipped Cottage Cheese delivers pumpkin cheesecake-type flavor PLUS some impressive nutritional benefits. Our pumpkin-whipped cottage cheese is an excellent breakfast or snack idea. It has a delicious pumpkin cheesecake-like flavor and Read More!

29Oct, 22

Roasted Pumpkin Buddha Bowls Tis’ the season for roasting vegetables, squash, and pumpkin! The weather is cooling down A LOT so we’re using the oven more often. Ever consider turning that cute pumpkin sitting in your kitchen into part of a savory meal (instead of sweet pie)? Well hopefully you’ll find some inspiration here to Read More!

29Jan, 22

Pumpkin Jalapeno Muffins ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ What a TASTY combination for your weekend baking plans! Does the combo seem a little strange? Let me tell you that these flavors complement each other in a very surprisingly great way! I think these muffins make an awesome addition to your morning savory breakfast alongside some scrambled eggs. But these Read More!

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