Start the Year Prepared: January Meal Prepping With the new year in full swing, now is a perfect time to prepare for our future and set ourselves up for success. With vision boards and goal setting, now is a great time to make healthy changes. Break bad habits, move our bodies, spend more time outside, Read More!
Pumpkin French Toast Pumpkin is something we mostly think of in the fall, but you know what? It’s great to enjoy it all year! Fall in love with this hearty breakfast all year round with our scrumptious Pumpkin French Toast recipe! While pumpkin is often associated with autumn, its delicious flavor and impressive nutritional benefits Read More!
Tangy Beetroot Ketchup Sweet, tangy, and bursting with nutrients, this Beetroot Ketchup is a unique condiment that will elevate your meals and snacks! Beets are a powerhouse food, rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. By combining them with aromatic spices, herbs, and a hint of balsamic vinegar, we’ve created a ketchup that’s not only delicious Read More!
Gluten-Free Recipes Here at CleanFoodCrush, we believe in enjoying everything in moderation, but we also understand that people have various reasons for avoiding gluten. Gluten may affect the microbiome composition and diversity and enhance intestinal permeability. Following a gluten-free diet can also be helpful for certain non-celiac autoimmune diseases. Our plans, such as the 30 Read More!
High Protein Pumpkin Spice Dip Serve this simple + deliciously creamy High Protein Pumpkin Spice Dip at your next party! Craving something sweet? Why sacrifice nutrition for flavor? This dip is the perfect solution, packed with protein-rich cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, healthy fats from nut butter, and the added boost of protein thanks to Read More!
Fermented Pickles: Benefits Plus 8 Recipes Pickles: you either love them or hate them. Pickles are a crisp, satisfying food to snack on, adorn your charcuterie boards, or top your sandwiches, which have lots of probiotic benefits, depending on how they’re prepared! You can buy pickles in your local grocery store, but keep in mind Read More!
Budget-Friendly Recipes Our weekly menu always has a few extra budget-friendly recipes and leftovers on it this time of year. The holidays, vacations, Christmas presents, big meals to prepare for, and more all put an extra strain on wallets, so any type of relief can make a world of difference. Thankfully, some of my favorite Read More!
30 Reasons To Start Walking For 30 Minutes Each Day When we think of exercise, many of us imagine loud gyms or long, exhausting runs. But the truth is, walking is one of the best ways to move your body! Walking is a healthy hobby that can boost your health and mind in ways you Read More!
Protein Chocolate Pudding A rich and creamy chocolate pudding that’s not only delicious but also packed with protein and nutrients! This Protein Chocolate Pudding is for anyone looking for a healthier dessert option. Made with cottage cheese, raw honey or maple syrup, and cacao powder, this pudding is a powerhouse of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Read More!
Lemon-Blueberry High Protein Cheesecake Indulge in a refreshing and protein-packed snack or dessert that’s as healthy as it is delicious! Lemon-Blueberry High Protein Cheesecake combines the creaminess of cheesecake with the brightness of lemon and the sweetness of blueberries. This dessert is a protein powerhouse that will keep you full and satisfied. But don’t let Read More!