Hi there!
My name is Tracy and this is my experience with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge 🙂
I’ve been married for 27 years and I’m a mother of a 16-year-old son who is a sophomore in high school and a 22-year-old daughter that is in nuclear medicine school. I will be turning 50 years old in November 2018.
I am the Director of Operations at a hybrid popcorn facility. I work 60-65 hours a week and want to spend as much time as I possibly can with my family, so the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge was actually easy for me to consider due to the fact so many options can be eaten raw and it doesn’t take much time to prepare most of the meals.
We spend most of my off time attending our sons sporting events and going to see our daughter when time permits. I love to sit and read a good book and have a girl day when given the chance.
A month ago I had my 6-month lab workup done, as I was diagnosed with kidney disease 16 years ago. I had been told then that I would need a transplant within 8 years, but still, have not had to do a transplant.
I joined the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge because of my lab results, I want to take good care of my body and my kidneys.
My dad had a transplant at 52 with the same disease. My lab work did not come back great and was told I was going to have to be treated a little more aggressively. They increased some of my medications, but when I was told I ate too much-processed food my husband and I were a little perplexed by that, as we do not eat fast food or eat out often.
When we went home and wrote down a food log, we were both surprised by the ingredients in the foods that we thought were healthy. Holy moly, there was a lot of ingredients we couldn’t even identify! This is when I came across the 30 Day Clean Food Crush Challenge.
I started the 30 Day Clean Food Challenge with so many doubts in my head. The first day I weighed myself but did not measure myself. My head told me that Eating Clean was going to be no different than any other program I had tried in the past, so why bother?!
Well, I would have agreed when I was 3 days into this program, the headaches were terrible and I just felt awful all the way around. The sugar detox was hitting and it hit hard. But by day 5 the headaches were gone and I was feeling so much less bloated, but still skeptical. It was hard for me to stay away from weighing every day, as I had done on so many other plans.
When week 1 was over I was feeling great and yes, thinner too. I stepped onto the scale and was pleasantly surprised to see I had lost 9 pounds! I was enjoying the foods once I was into week 2 and 3. I didn’t see much weight change on the scale, but I was able to wear a size smaller pant! This was helpful because our weight can fluctuate so much day to day, so FEELING the results and experiencing them with my clothes fitting better was such a win.
Week 4 was a little harder on me. I was feeling frustrated with all of it as I was not seeing the scale move much more, but still held out hope that this program was going to work.
Well I just finished week 4 and I still did not measure, but I feel amazing. I lost a total of 12 pounds in just 30 days!
And weight loss isn’t all of it! I’m feeling so much better all around!
Here are some of my results from the challenge:
- Five years ago I had contracted cyclosporiasis from eating contaminated lettuce and have since been able to go off my stomach medicine which has been huge as I was told I would have lifelong effects from it.
- I have a lot less swelling in my legs.
- My skin is clear and way less dry.
- This may seem strange but I also am noticing a difference in my eyesight as well!
My husband has been a huge support and when he tells me that something looks smaller on my body I actually believe him. My hope is that my son, even being 16, will one day soon say “Man you really look different.”
My daughter has already asked what program I am doing with much curiosity. I decided this past weekend that I would sign up for the annual challenge and see where this commitment will get me. I am not saying I’m going to be perfect, but the CleanFoodCrush support system on Facebook in the private challenge group has helped me stay on track and be more accountable!
I’m learning that it’s not about perfection, it’s about changing my lifestyle and loving what I put into my body.
I am excited to see where this will lead me over the next year. The plus side to all of this is how I feel and also how I am going to look when our daughter gets married next September. Just remember to weigh and measure yourself, but only once a week!
You will be surprised at how well this program works! It’s the real deal and I’m so proud of myself for overcoming the doubt and doing the work.