

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
20Oct, 20
Clean Food Love

Meet Ashley, Who lost 10 Pounds and was Able to Quit Soda with CleanFoodCrush.

My name is Ashley and I’m 35 years old. I have two boys 11 and 8. I’m an accounting and HR assistant and stay busy working from home 10 hours a day. Relaxing with my family watching a good movie is what I really enjoy.

Since I started the CleanFoodCrush Challenge in August Ive lost 10 lbs.

My challenges before the 30 day challenge was drinking soda and eating chocolate.  Since I started this plan I was able to drop soda and the only chocolate Ive had is the mini chocolate chips in the energy balls recipe.

This challenge has helped me drop soda and all the bad sugars for my body.

I’ve done different clean eating challenges before but was not able to get past 4 days because the recipes were not good. With the CleanFoodCrush Challenge plan, I’ve enjoyed all the recipes.

My two favorite recipes are the burrito bowls and the turkey meatballs. My entire family, in fact, liked the meatballs. My kids ask for it at least once a week for dinner.

This experience has made me feel less bloated and made my eating dinner with family much easier.

–  Ashley

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