

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
22Feb, 22
Clean Food Love

Meet Michele, Who Lost 18 Pounds and 16 Inches During the CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Hi, my name is Michele. I am 52, have a son who is an adult now, and have been married to my wonderful supportive husband for 25 years. I am an Administrative Assistant. I love to read, hang out with friends and travel.

I started following Rachel and CFC in December 2021. CFC popped up as a page I might like on Facebook. I started researching the clean eating way of life and was hooked. I started the CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge on January 2nd.

After the First Week, I Became a Monthly Member.

I loved it! The first month of the Challenge, I lost 18 pounds and 16 inches.

I am in my second month of the challenge and I Have Lost a Total of 22 Pounds and 18 inches since starting. I have more to go but I can’t wait to see how far I have come this time next year!

Before starting the Challenge, I was tired all the time. I had chronic aches and pains and no energy by the end of my work day. It was so easy to go out to eat rather than cook because I was tired.

I had sugar cravings and I was mindlessly eating through the day. I was drinking diet soda like it was water. I had tried many diets over my life and I would lose some weight, but once I thought I could do it on my own, I would stop the diet. Then, I would gain back what I lost plus more.

I was at my highest weight before I started the Challenge and I knew I needed a change but I just didn’t know what it was.

The  Monthly Challenges have been so amazing.

➡️ It has done wonders for my self-esteem.

➡️ I have so much energy now.

➡️ My latest blood work has shown major improvements.

➡️ I have also stopped drinking diet soda which I never thought would happen.

➡️ My clothes are fitting better and I look forward to clothes shopping in my future.

I wake up with so much energy now and I still have energy at the end of my day so when I come home, I don’t mind cooking. I am getting back my love for cooking. We eat in more than we eat out now. Eating out has become a special occasion. My husband has been so supportive and is even eating the CFC meals I prepare and he has even lost some weight. I have learned to read the ingredients and know what is good and bad for me.

There are so many recipes to chose from so it is hard to pick favorites. The ones that have become repeats most weeks in my house are the Cheeseburger Salad and the One-Pan Honey Garlic Sausage and Veggies.

All of the CFC recipes are easy to cook and don’t take a lot of time. They taste like you spent hours cooking. Rachel is always bringing us new recipes and everything that I made both my husband and I love. It makes eating clean so much easier.

My words of wisdom are to trust the process and step outside of your comfort zone. Join the Challenge, it’s 30 days and you will see so many changes. The first week can be tough, yes it’s a lot of food but as Rachel says, you have to eat the right things in the right portions to lose weight, not eat less.

After a few days of being on the Challenge Plan you will begin to see so many changes, not just weight loss. When you join the Challenge you receive so much information from Rachel and the CFC Admin Staff. They are there to answer all your questions, give suggestions and they are there to support and motivate you along the way.

I have never felt so much support as I do from Rachel and the Admin staff.

They are great! You are not alone, you will have a community of people doing the Challenges right along with you, sharing recipes and motivating you through the days. Will you have ups & downs? Oh yeah!

It’s not about perfection, it’s about progress. This is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.

– Michele

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