

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
26Jun, 17
Clean Food Love

Angie's Clean Food Crush Transformation Story
I’m Angie! I’m 35. Wife of 11 years and mom to a spunky 3 year old son 🙂 Thanks for reading my story! This is the experience I’ve had with the CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

I’m an elementary teacher and I love to run, but I’ve had some nagging injuries the last few years and haven’t been able to run consistently. My family and I like to hike and spend time at the lake on our pontoon and swimming. I’m a musician and soon to be music teacher! We love our church family and our rural KY community.

I’ve struggled with sugar addiction and consistently knowing what’s Clean and what’s not. CleanFoodCrush has made it so much easier for me.

I was raised on a farm and we grew all our own vegetables and many fruits but my mom baked sweets with every dinner. She made breads, jams/jellies, etc. She also loves junk food. So there was this constant flow of real foods and junk. We ate lots of sugar and white flour.

I was a division 1 middle distance runner in college (cross county and track) and have an athletic background but had disordered eating in high school and bulimia in college.Stones are balanced on top of each other

I always struggled with keeping things under control… I was always either too strict or overeating. I’m learning balance. 

Even though after things got better after college, my body took a long time to recover. My weight has fluctuated the last 20 years with injuries, eating and different competitive seasons.

I was at my ideal weight before I got pregnant but it was a shock to us and we both gained too much! My OB-GYN was afraid I’d be too strict when pregnant with my background (it did stress me) so she wanted me to gain plenty…but then I gained 65+ pounds which was a little too much. I lost most of that weight within 6 months and gained 20-25 pounds back over the last 2 years due to stress eating and injuries!

CleanFoodCrush has helped me transform my life in so many ways. I’m not addicted to sugar anymore and I’ve lost 20 pounds!!

Lost 20 pounds clean eating diet result
But the weight loss is only one part of the story, there are so many ways this challenge has helped me transform…

  • My sugar addiction has ended!!
  •  I know what is clean/healthy and what to avoid.
  • The weight loss continues to happen, mostly without working out. (I hope to workout more as my injuries heal.)
  • I am a cleaner cook and grateful for the yummy recipes from Rachel!
  • AND my will power is SO much stronger.
  • I am grateful for the knowledge and sustainable plan that I got from Rachel and the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! 

My results on the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge have been amazing, I’m so proud of myself!

  • I feel soooo much better without sugar! I could tell a difference the first week.
  • I have fibromyalgia and used to get horrible tension headaches. If I avoid sugar I am almost completely headache free and I don’t have the body aches I used to feel.
  • I have more energy!
  • AND I’m wearing clothes that were way too small last summer.

You may be wondering what this experience was like for my family, it was pretty smooth sailing and I’m being patient with the process! 

Clean Eating has been life changing for me!! I will never go back to eating the way I used to and just blindly consuming sugar from every possible source. My husband is slowly making changes too. He asked the other night if there’s anything he eats that IS healthy lol. I’m doing better at not letting my son have so many sweets and processed foods too.

Zoodle Chicken Salad In a Jar Diet Meal
I want to support others in having a great experience too, so here are my words of wisdom for newcomers who are thinking about taking the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Go all in…don’t hesitate! Even if it’s just you being healthy, make choices that are right for you! My husband is supportive, but not really active physically or a Clean Eater at all. I love him to pieces but it does makes this journey a bit more difficult. But I have chosen to make this switch for me because I want to look and feel amazing 🙂

Here are a few extra tips: 

  • Get rid of the junk food in your home!
  • Be strong to resist junk at work!
  • Take it one day at a time, sometimes one meal at a time.
  • Eat plenty! I love how we get to eat so much during the challenge!
  • I couldn’t always eat everything on the plan. Meal prep helps me a ton when I’m working during the school year…of my son and me.
  • Lastly, give it time to make lasting and significant changes. It took a while to get in this mess, and it’ll probably take at least that long to get out of it, lol.
  • My goal is about 15 more pounds and I’m glad to have come this far, learned so much, and to be a part of this healthy community!!

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

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