Hey there Crushers! 

I wanted to share some awesome, FREE apps that will help you stay positive and focused on your goals AND learning a new lifestyle!
1. BreakThrough – I highly suggest this one by far. This is an app created by Tony Robbins himself. GREAT app with new content on a regular bases. Tony tends to curse a lot… If you’re not into that, maybe skip this app.
2. Affirmations – What an awesome app to give you a new daily affirmation to stay focused on for that day!
3. The Secret Affirmation – This is from the movie the secret, this app has sections with all kinds of affirmations for different subjects.
4. ThinkUp – This will help you develop a better and more positive mindset. Sometimes we can think pretty negatively, this helps a lot to rewire those thought patterns.
5. 10% happier – For meditation skeptics. This app is great to get you going and keep you on track with your new meditation practice.
6. Water consumption – These can help with reminders, and tracking to form new habits:
Hydro Coach
Water Drink Reminder
7. Sleep issues & sleep improvement: If you’ve got sleep issues or even want to learn how to make your sleep even better, try Sleep Cycle.
8. Mindfulness: If you want to improve your relationship with food check out the Mindful Eating Tracker app.
9. Meal tracking: My fitness pal – always a fave! This one’s my go-to and what I suggest for anyone who’s joined the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge too.
10. Short workouts I love:
Lose Weight in 30 Days – is designed for you to lose weight in a fast and safe way with systematic workouts.
Down Dog is the #1 rated app for practicing yoga at home. Great for all levels!
I hope this helps y’all some! (i know it will)
Crush today, accomplish your goals, be GREAT!
I love you guys so much, and truly want to see you live your happiest, healthiest lives!