

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
22Sep, 20
Clean Food Love

Meet Betsy Who Lost 15 Pounds and 11 inches in Two Months with CleanFoodCrush!

My name is Betsy but everyone calls me “B”! I’m at the ripe young age of 73 and the grandmother to 6 busy baseball, soccer and hockey players and dancers ranging from 6 years to 16 years. I love shopping in thrift stores and watching the Connecticut UCONN Huskies! (Also love the casinos) 

I fully retired in 2013 from my paralegal job after 23 years; however, I went back PT in 2016 for same attorney and was laid off in June because of Covid-19.  

I was never a “heavy” person and belonged to a Silver Sneakers exercise group at our local Y, but over the last 20 years the pounds started piling on (my desk job?) I was put on blood pressure meds and had an awful time sleeping at night.

My sugar levels were rising but I loved to snack!

My daughter would send me CFC recipes she would see on FB.

This Zoodle Lasagna was one I tried before I joined.  I guess this is what got me interested because it was AMAZING!

Zoodle Skillet Lasagna https://cleanfoodcrush.com/skillet-zoodle-lasagna

The recipes all certainly looked good and I decided to follow along on FB.  A few months went by and I was now at my heaviest in my life. How did I get to this point?

That’s when I said enough is enough! I signed up for the CleanFoodCrush Challenge and began my journey. 

The struggle is real in the beginning.

But by sticking to the CleanFoodCrush Challenge plan:

  • My clothes fit better
  • My BP is at the lowest readings
  • I have a much better night’s sleep! 

(My favorite “first-week” recipe is the tangy chicken which I’ve also cooked using chicken thighs! So good!!)

My family is very proud of my commitment to a healthier and cleaner food lifestyle and I am happy that after two months on the CFC plan I have lost 15 pounds and an unbelievable 11 inches!

My doctor was thrilled at my weight loss and readings and is going to recommend CFC to other patients!

I look forward to breakfast and my banana with cinnamon! What? Who ever heard of that? Now I eat spinach with just about every meal (or at least a good healthy salad) and always include a vegetable with my meals.

For anyone looking for a healthier lifestyle and has a determination to lose weight, please do not hesitate to join CleanFoodCrush!

You will receive the most delicious recipes to guide you but more importantly the greatest peer support and encouragement you could ask for! Just like they tell us with COVID, you are not alone and you can do this!


– B

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