

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
Clean Food Love
31Aug, 20

Tropical Smoothie Bowls Take a few minutes to sit down and enjoy a beautiful breakfast! Our Tropical Smoothie Bowls are loaded with nutrients including a good dose of immunity boosting vitamin C, beneficial natural enzymes and fiber! Besides being completely DELICIOUS, fresh and frozen tropical fruit is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and other helpful compounds, Read More!

30Aug, 20

Watermelon + Corn Salsa Tis’ the season! We’ve got a few more weeks of watermelon and fresh corn harvesting here in Utah. Did you know that you can actually eat fresh sweet corn right off the cob? No cooking required whatsoever. Although, I do recommend trying this recipe with FRESH just-picked sweet corn. Our Watermelon Read More!

29Aug, 20

One Pan Shrimp Coconut Curry We adore One Pan meals! What about you?! This coconut curry sauce is ABSOLUTELY lick-your-plate good! Serve with a side of brown rice & broccoli and you’re set Ingredients: 1-1/2 lbs raw shrimp 2 Tbsps olive oil, divided 3 cloves fresh garlic, minced 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp red Read More!

28Aug, 20

Grilled Watermelon Blue Cheese Salad Here’s a FUN idea for your next backyard BBQ. Lightly grilling fresh fruit caramelizes the natural sugars and brings out the sweet flavor of the fruit! We’ve been grilling our peaches for years, so I thought…”let’s try watermelon!” VERY pleased with the results. Lots of dimensional flavors and textures happening Read More!

27Aug, 20

We’ve all heard the saying, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Have you ever wondered why people say that? (Actually, that specific saying started as a clever marketing tactic for Kellogg breakfast cereals). Fascinating advertisement history aside, a healthy breakfast is incredibly important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A clean breakfast is Read More!

26Aug, 20

Healthier Crockpot ‘Baked’ Beans This recipe has been a BIG request from our readers for several years! (Geez…about time, Rachel!) An EASY to make, traditional homemade baked bean recipe that actually tastes really GOOD!! I find this recipe to be a nice balance of sweet and tangy, but as always – feel free to adjust Read More!

21Aug, 20

7 Layer Fresh Fruit Salad A GORGEOUS fruit salad creation that will totally impress your friends & family – while satisfying all those sweet cravings at your next get-together! With the abundance of fresh Summer fruit available right now, let’s have some fun! Fruit is nature’s nutrient-packed candy, after all! This fruit salad actually reminds Read More!

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