

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
27Oct, 20
Clean Food Love

Laticia’s Back with An Update, 9 Months with CleanFoodCrush and She’s lost 53 Pounds! Now Her Mom has Joined Her Journey!

Back In June I was featured in Rachel’s blog. At the time it had been 6 months since following the CleanFoodCrush Challenge. Fast forward 3 months later and I am still as dedicated to CFC as I was then.

Not only has CleanFoodCrush allowed me to improve my physical health but my mental heath has improved as well.

My friends and family constantly tell me that I have a glow and look much younger than I am. I became more active and developed a love for running and cycling which I now do daily.

My quick go-to meals are the Sloppy Joe Stuffed Sweet Potatoes and the One Pan Cabbage Skillet

What I have enjoyed most about CFC is the support from Rachel and her team.

You are never alone and there is always a team of supporters ready to lift you up when you feel like you are crashing. Since my last update, I have continued with CFC and have lost an additional 11 lbs bringing my total weight loss to 53lbs. When I started on this journey my weight was 202lbs and now 9 months later I am currently at 149lbs.

My transformation has inspired my family and friends to make changes to their everyday lives as well by being more conscious of the type of foods they consume.

My mom has joined me on this journey and I couldn’t be more proud of her.

Knowing what I know now, I would tell my younger self as well as new Crushers starting this journey that success comes from failing and learning from past mistakes. Never allow yourself to stay complacent. Just because you didn’t hit that goal today doesn’t mean you give up.

You stay the course as that finishing line will be there waiting for you.

–  Laticia

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