

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
27Dec, 22
Clean Food Love


Meet Bonnie, 78 Years Young, Who Lost 10 Pounds with CleanFoodCrush!

I’m Bonnie from Salt Lake City, Utah.  I’m almost 79!  I’ve been retired as an Administrative Secretary for 10 years.  I’m married (57 years) have 5 married children, 12 grandchildren, (3 married) and 2 great-grandkids.

After I retired, I became a quilter.  My day isn’t complete unless I can touch fabric, sew or even plan a quilting project.  I’ve made about 10 quilts each year; all family members have several of my quilts.  Additionally, I’ve donated quilts to refugees from Ukraine, Afghanistan, and some to charitable auctions.

I discovered CFC about 8 years ago.  With those recipes, and a group my husband’s cardiologist put together to encourage anti-inflammatory eating, I lost 80 pounds and my husband lost 42.

I maintained this healthy lifestyle and weight loss till COVID. 

At first, I called it my COVID-5, then 5 pounds became 10, 15 and was almost to 20 pounds gained.  I was depressed and knew I needed more information and help besides just cooking CFC recipes. I was completely addicted to Diet-Coke, my best friend.  

Celebrating my grandchild who were born in December

I was still making Rachel’s recipes, but in addition was eating “the other stuff”, and wondering why I wasn’t losing weight.

Each month as a new Clean Eating Challenge was announced, I knew I wanted to join.  When September 22 Challenge came due, it had my name on it!  It was MY time.  

➡️ What I first learned was: the recipes were great, but what the greatest learning was the Daily Totals.  It answered the HOW, WHAT, WHEN to Eat in PROPER PORTION amounts.

Bonnie and Husband 12-22-22

My goals from 9/22 were:

  • Lose at least 5 pounds

  • Have a weight loss for my annual PE 11/15/2022

  • Walk at least 2 miles a day

  • Fit into my blue dress

Week one’s results were a real shocker for me 5.5 pounds and 5 inches. 

➡️ Since starting, I’ve lost 10 pounds. 

➡️ My doctor’s visit had better results in the labs, a 10-pound loss in weight. 

➡️ I’m looking forward to a spring trip to Hawaii, knowing my swim suit will fit just fine. 

This Challenge has given me the boost and strength to know how to eat. 

In many cases I wasn’t eating enough. I learned my body actually likes water. Yes, my weight loss is slow, some weeks I don’t lose, but it hasn’t broken my spirit to stick it out and enjoy the journey.

I’ve stood up for myself in eating out situations as well as family dinners. 

I’m continuing this journey.  My advice to anyone thinking about joining the 30-Day Challenge is: If not now, when? Do it!

– Bonnie

Ready to Get the Tools and Support That Helped Bonnie Succeed? Come and Join the Challenge!

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