

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
23Jun, 20
Clean Food Love

Meet Carrie, who lost 11 pounds and 5 inches during the CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

My name is Carrie, and I am a 34-year-old coach’s wife, mother of two, and high school English teacher. I enjoy reading, bass fishing and hanging out at the beach with my family.

I started the CleanFoodCrush Challenge at the end of April 2020 at my highest weight ever after several long weeks of being stuck at home and out of a routine during quarantine.

The weight was only a part of the problem, though, as what really motivated me to get to work was how I felt.

I was tired, sluggish, and achy nearly all of the time and was having lots of digestive issues that just made me feel terrible all over.

I refused to believe that all of the bad things I felt were just byproducts of aging.

I talked to a friend who had previously done the challenge and still uses the principles she learned and knew I needed to give it a shot. My husband got on board, and together, we dove in with 100% commitment.

Within a week, I was feeling better, sleeping better, and seeing improvements in my skin.

After completing the 30 days, I was down 11.2 pounds and 5 inches and feeling like a new person.

To anyone starting this challenge, I would say do not get discouraged – there will be highs and lows and some days will be harder than others.

TRUST the process, STOP looking at the scale, and be DILIGENT. It WILL pay off!

I started Round Two at the end of May and am currently completing Week 3, and there is no way I will ever look back.

I’m now down 15 lbs, and 8 inches and haven’t felt this great in as long as I can remember.

The CleanFoodCrush plan is forever a part of my lifestyle, and I am so grateful to have found it!


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