How have you been feeling lately? If your answer is stressed out or overwhelmed, you’re certainly not alone. The topic of mental health and mood disorders have been gaining awareness in recent years, and for good reason. What was once “taboo” is becoming much more accepted in our society, and there are more and more Read More!
Nature has a way of providing us with everything we need – including foods and herbs with impressive antiviral properties! These virus-fighting foods can help boost the immune system, fight infection, and decrease inflammation. The following are 15 foods and herbs that may help give you the antiviral protection you’re seeking. Antiviral Herbs 1. Echinacea Read More!
The immune system serves a very important function in the body. It’s our defense system that helps protect us from illness and disease. The immune system is made up of organs, tissues, proteins and trillions of cells through the body. Usually, the immune system does its job quite well without us having to do much Read More!
As we transition into Spring, we’re facing unique circumstances with the extra risk of catching a virus. Stress levels might be a little bit high at this time, but it’s important that you remember to practice good self-care while protecting your immune system the best you can. Draw on these resources as a way to Read More!
If you’re feeling worried about catching something and want to take extra measures to prevent colds and infections, strengthening your immunity is important. A strong immune system is your first defense when a harmful germ or virus tries to invade your body. The following are 7 ways you can increase your immune function and stay Read More!
With so many types of healthy bread on the market, it’s not always easy to know which are actually healthy or just a marketing exaggeration. As you sift through the varieties on store shelves, what should you be looking for? Whole wheat? Whole grain? Multigrain? Today, let’s delve a bit deeper into the world of Read More!
Most of us contend with more stress in our daily lives than we’d like. Things like work, raising a family, relationships, doing chores, and trying to find a little time for ourselves can be a challenge! Many health experts speculate that a number of illnesses and ailments are ultimately caused by the chronic stresses of Read More!
Hi friend! My name is Kristine, and I have lost 29 pounds since August with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! I am 48 with four kids between 9 and 14. I have a husband in the military who has been deployed three times since we have been Read More!
Self-love encompasses acts of service toward self, taking care of our needs, and also the little things, like taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. This Valentines’ day weekend, love yourself up with one (or all!) of these incredible practices. 1. Make yourself a Clean Eating treat How often do you just make Read More!
Magnesium is a mineral that has been found to have a tremendous positive impact on our bodies. It helps maintain good health, improve muscle and nerve function, boost the immune system, increase heart health, lower stress, anxiety, and even help reduce inflammation. Magnesium supports: Hormonal balance Sleep Muscle recovery Mood The nervous system How much Read More!