While the diet industry attempts to scare us out of eating carbohydrates, Clean Eaters are proving that carbs are in fact very healthy and can help us lose weight. As women, we often need more carbohydrates than men do to lose weight. Why? Because carbohydrates give our bodies the energy we need, and help to Read More!
There are so many ways to get creative with food and DIY with the products you’ve got right in your kitchen. I LOVE finding affordable ways to go chemical free and enjoy the gifts of nature. Below are some fun & super smart ways to get crafty with food for your health and beauty, inside Read More!
Late night snacking is a deeply ingrained pattern that almost all of us have been stuck in at one point or another. Even if your goal isn’t to lose weight, eating immediately before bed is not optimal for your health. Right before bed, it’s best to only drink water or tea and allow your organs Read More!
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of those affordable and unsuspecting health secrets that can become a household staple in your pantry and medicine cabinet! Ā ACV contains more than 90 different substances that benefit your health, like loads of potassium, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, copper and bioflavonoids. Ā But do you realize all the many ways you Read More!
1. Take a few minutes to yourself Even when you feel like it’s unreasonable to take a few minutes to yourself. Finding space to take a breather is so important for your well-being! All too often we place such high expectations upon ourselves and think we have to do it all for everyone all the Read More!
1. Quit Counting Calories What!? Yes, I said it! Stop counting calories and start enjoying what you eat. Sounds great doesn’t it? One of the questions I’m always being asked is the calorie count on my recipes on this website, and in our 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. We don’t count calories because when you’re Read More!
Coconut oil has a reputation for being a multi-functional superfood. This highly versatile oil is rich in MCFAās (medium chain fatty acids), which support heart, brain, immune and metabolic health. Ā It has been compared to breast milk in its ability to improve immune function, because it contains lauric acid and an array of vitamins and Read More!
Written By: Autumn Enloe, MS, RD, LD You may have seen that the American Heart Association recently released a report (1) advising against the use of coconut oil due to its high content of saturated fat. Although we have been taught for years to avoid saturated fat, research shows that coconut oil is not the Read More!
At first you might write inflammation off as the possible culprit of your weight struggles or other health issues if you’re not in physical pain. But did you know that chronic inflammation may be silently wreaking havoc in your body without showing you obvious signs? Weight gain, acne, eczema and fatigue are all associated to Read More!
Did you know that where your body stores fat is indicative of whatās going on internally for you on a hormonal level? Hormones are often related to how much body fat we have and where the fat sits on our body. Therefore, understanding what your hormones are trying to tell you can be helpful in Read More!