
All posts in 'Dessert'

16Dec, 22

❄️ Cranberry & Chickpea Bark Christmas treats are officially in full swing creation in my kitchen this week! ❤️🎄❤️ We’ve received over a foot of fresh snow at our house in the last few days alone which means the scene is set for a very white Christmas at home.❄️☃️ ❄️ The beautiful ambiance is greatly Read More!

5Dec, 22

Air-Fryer Baked Apples 🍎 Naturally sweetened, warm, cozy, rustic all-natural dessert you can easily make after dinner tonight. A dollop of whipped coconut cream or high-quality vanilla bean ice cream on top = so good! It took me a while to jump on the airfryer bandwagon because I felt that I already had too many Read More!

4Nov, 22

Pumpkin-Whipped Cottage Cheese We’re always on the prowl for NEW healthy desserts and snack ideas, especially when they’re simple and easy to make. Pumpkin Whipped Cottage Cheese delivers pumpkin cheesecake-type flavor PLUS some impressive nutritional benefits. Our pumpkin-whipped cottage cheese is an excellent breakfast or snack idea. It has a delicious pumpkin cheesecake-like flavor and Read More!

29Aug, 22

Tropical Coconut Popsicles 🌴🥥🍍 TOTALLY refreshing homemade FROZEN Summertime treats! I LOVE creating my own frozen treats at home so that I know EXACTLY what is in them. These are REALLY FUN for the kids to get in the kitchen with you and help out since the end result is both delicious and also impressive Read More!

30Jul, 22

Frozen Watermelon Pops 🍉🍉🍉 Because EVERYTHING is just better when served on a stick 😅 These are REALLY FUN for Summertime entertaining & parties. Make a bunch of these watermelon pops (freeze SOLID 6 hours), then set them out on a large serving tray with a big bowl of dry ice underneath. You’ll receive lots Read More!

15Jul, 22

Peanut Butter Rice Cakes Okayyyy… these are reminiscent of several popular chocolate PB candy bars & candies! The PB + Chocolate combo combined with the crunchy texture of the Salted Brown Rice Cakes is absolutely beyond perfect and satisfying. Such a super simple homemade treat that delivers big time on flavor and overall satisfaction when Read More!

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