
All posts in 'Snacks'

16Dec, 22

❄️ Cranberry & Chickpea Bark Christmas treats are officially in full swing creation in my kitchen this week! ❤️🎄❤️ We’ve received over a foot of fresh snow at our house in the last few days alone which means the scene is set for a very white Christmas at home.❄️☃️ ❄️ The beautiful ambiance is greatly Read More!

14Dec, 22

Cheese Stuffed Mini Sweet Peppers It’s the season of PARTIES and entertaining friends & family, which means tasty quick appetizers are a necessity. I absolutely adore those little sweet peppers found in just about every produce section these days! I’ll often grab a big bag and turn them into snacks and appetizers throughout the week. Read More!

2Dec, 22

Gingerbread Overnight Oats ✨️✨️✨️ These gingerbread overnight oats are an absolute treat! Fresh ginger combined with pumpkin pie spice creates a traditional holiday favorite flavor! Super good & festive too! Tastes like a dessert, with the nutrients and staying power of a meal! Many of you know my obsession with overnight oats started almost ten Read More!

4Nov, 22

Pumpkin-Whipped Cottage Cheese We’re always on the prowl for NEW healthy desserts and snack ideas, especially when they’re simple and easy to make. Pumpkin Whipped Cottage Cheese delivers pumpkin cheesecake-type flavor PLUS some impressive nutritional benefits. Our pumpkin-whipped cottage cheese is an excellent breakfast or snack idea. It has a delicious pumpkin cheesecake-like flavor and Read More!

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