

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
26Nov, 18
Stephanies CleanFoodCrush Before & After Transformation
Clean Food Love

Stephanies 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Review

Hi there!

My name is Stephanie Ferguson and I recently completed the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. Together, my husband and I lost a combined 100 pounds!

I was thrilled to do an interview with the CFC editor and share my review of the program with you 🙂

Thanks for sharing your story with us Stephanie! Tell us about yourself 🙂

I am 32 years old. I have two amazing children who are eleven and nine. My kids are both active in multiple sports.  I am a full-time student and work as a hair stylist.

What health challenges did you face before you discovered Clean Eating?

Well, I suffer from chronic kidney disease which will eventually result in a kidney transplant. I had no energy and felt awful all the time. The doctors told me that for my particular illness there was nothing I could do to help slow the progression of the disease or to make me feel better. I was so busy that it felt impossible to eat healthily. I was relying on fast food and quick, processed meals. I read on an online forum that Eating Clean had helped other people who also suffered from kidney disease so I decided to give it a try!

CleanFoodCrush Weight Loss Goals

How has CleanFoodCrush and the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge help you to transform?

My husband and I did our first 30-day challenge in April. The plan was SO SIMPLE to follow. The recipes are delicious and easy to make. I love how everything is mapped out for you in regards to what and when you are supposed to eat. Week one is hard for sure, but having the online support helped me get through it. Whenever I notice bad habits creeping back in, I go back and do week one again to reset my body. I am doing it right now to help me stay on track through the holiday season. 🙂 

Stephanies CleanFoodCrush Before and After

What results have you experienced from the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge?

The transformation has been remarkable! I feel so much better. I have more energy than I have had in years. I didn’t think that I would ever feel this healthy again. I had lost hope. As an added bonus, I lost 25 lbs and 10 inches off my waist and kept it off! I find that it is much easier to plan and prepare meals than I could have imagined. I feel like it has really simplified my life in that way. If it comes in a box we don’t eat it.   

 Couple Lost 100 Pounds with CleanFoodCrush

What was this experience like for your family?

My husband decided to do the challenge with me. His support has helped so much. He has lost 75 pounds and weighs less than he did in high school! My kids started to recognize how much better they feel when they eat healthy too, which has helped them to make better food choices.

Lost 100 Lbs Clean Eating Meal Plan

What words of wisdom do you have for newcomers who are interested in taking the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge?

I recommend this program to anyone and everyone I talk to! The plan is amazing and the support you get is even better! There is always someone who can help you through if you are struggling. If there is not someone in your home doing the plan with you then I think the annual membership is a must. It is so much better to have support to keep you on track.

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge




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