Deana Lost Over 22 Pounds and 26 Inches!
Hi, I’m Deana and am 50 years old, a wife of 22 years and mother to 2 children – a daughter (17) and son (11) – along with a spoiled English Bulldog. I am the Director of a Benefit Relations call center for an insurance company and have been working at home throughout the pandemic. I can’t really say what I like to do for fun, as with a high school and middle schooler, the running is non-stop and all about them with Band/Football events and BMX racing! If winter gives us enough snow, we do enjoy skiing as a family. Lots of crazy moments trying to figure out what to eat and having it prepared to eat and run to that night’s activities.
As my 40’s quickly passed me by and I entered my 50’s, the weight seemed to accumulate more quickly and has been harder to come off with both diet and exercise. I have an underactive thyroid and PCOS, so hormonal imbalances have not helped. During the pandemic, I put on 20 pounds, with a lack of exercise and giving into every comforting food craving (reassuring myself that the next meal/day I would make better choices).
I was at my highest weight ever, falling asleep right after dinner, with no energy or motivation to change. It was around February/March that a friend had shared a few of the CFC recipes which really looked delicious. I tried some and after reading some of Rachel’s blogs, I started watching what I was eating. I know I needed accountability so I took the plunge and signed up for my first 30-Day Challenge at the end of April.
The support of Rachel and her team have surpassed any previous diet programs I joined! The monthly members sharing their struggles and encouragement (that I could relate to) was what I needed to continue as a monthly member, on my journey to committing to a lifetime of healthy eating.
With the first 30-Day Challenge I lost 8.5 pounds.
I was happy but tried not to be disappointed by other members’ posts of a higher weight loss.
One of Rachel’s posts that I reread often really has resonated well with me: “One year from now, you won’t care if it took you 3,6,9, or 12 months to reach your goal. Instead, you’ll be glad you took the time to develop the skills and habits that will help you maintain your results for the rest of your life.”
5+ months into my commitment, I am down an amazing 22.5 pounds and 26.5 inches through clean eating alone! I haven’t been this weight in over 3 years. My next goal is to commit to adding walking or some exercise to my weekly routine to further enhance my results.
I think my biggest challenge is I don’t enjoy cooking – especially being asked daily, ‘what’s for dinner?’ by the kiddos and no one giving suggestions. It’s overwhelming and especially when you have a time crunch to get to an activity. The CFC recipes are amazing! I could do an endless search and not eat the same thing twice for over a month, although we now have favorites so we do have repeats by choice. The meals are so quick and easy to make, using simple everyday ingredients. I have not had to make a separate dinner for anyone in my family, so it’s been easier to incorporate this lifestyle for everyone. I may just add a few different side options for them to choose from.
After the first month, you really do realize how much sugar was a part of your diet. By completing the sugar detox (week 1), everything tastes sweeter. Roasted and cubed sweet potatoes are my sweet little nuggets of yumminess! I was not really a label reader before, but through the education in the support group and plan materials, Rachel has really broken it down to what’s good or bad and why. When you understand the ‘why’ it is easier to make better decisions.
Since joining, I have found I have more energy and am able to be in control of my eating for nourishment, instead of boredom or comfort eating. YES, this IS possible! Fueling your body with the right food and intervals is the key to this successful program.
I also used to have constant lower back pain and needed to frequent the chiropractor. The lower back pain is gone! With a husband who recently had heart surgery, this way of eating has prepared me well for what choices we need to make to stay healthy together, both as an aging couple and as role models to our family.
There are SO many delicious suggestions for recipes! Something for every palate, and if not, add your own extra spices to make it your own comfort food.
My 2 favorites recipes are:
- Baked Feta Zoodles – which is like a 5-star dining entrée! I even added some grilled chicken or shrimp to get in some extra protein!
- Chicken Caprese Skillet – a family favorite! So easy to make and the combination of the basil and balsamic smells divine.
A long-time friend of mine of has struggled equally with the continual yo-yo weight loss. 4 months after I began, she was amazed by my results and had become intrigued by some of the easy recipes I shared. She decided to join the program, has seen great success as well, and we have become each other’s accountability partners. Her only regret is that she wishes she started earlier, when I did!