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30Jan, 23
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Green Goddess Avocado Toast 🥑🌱

Hey everyone! Happy NEW WEEK!

I’m stopping in with a simple breakfast, snack, or lunch idea for you! It’s really no secret that breakfast-type foods are really great anytime! So, if you’re looking for some food inspiration today, I hope this post does the trick!

I had some leftover asparagus, so I decided to go with the green goddess theme, and it came out FAB!

I love getting extra veggies in at breakfast anytime I can! Use whatever you happen to have at home. It will turn out great!

Ezekiel bread is one of those items that many love, and many don’t love 😝 – however, I’d like to encourage you to TOAST IT. I don’t really care for it un-toasted, and I definitely can not enjoy a traditional 2-slice sandwich using Ezekiel bread because it’s VERY heavy and dense. But an open-faced sandwich piled high with all the goodies on TOASTED Ezekiel bread is the sweet spot for me.

➡️Toasting Ezekiel bread brings out a nutty aroma and it becomes really nicely chewy (the texture improves greatly!) I enjoy it A LOT and you’ll often find me devouring an egg + avocado toast or open-faced tuna melt on Ezekiel bread.

🍞 Have you ever had SPROUTED GRAIN BREAD before?

You’ve probably seen it in the frozen food section at your grocery store because that’s where it’s typically kept.

💡You might have wondered if it was really that different from the “regular” bread on the bakery shelf.

✅ In a word: YES!

Sprouted grain bread is made from grains (seeds) that have begun to germinate or sprout.

This process boosts the bread’s nutrition profile AND makes it easier for your body to digest its nutrients.

The whole grains are usually combined with legumes (beans), which opens the door to a long list of nutrients not found in regular bread.

Plus, the sprouting process breaks down the starches in grains, which means lower carbs and gluten … but MORE fiber and protein.

🧡 They are also higher in vitamins B, C, and E, as well as folate and antioxidants like beta-carotene.

Are you a fan of sprouted grain bread – and if so, what’s your favorite brand?👇

🌱 Try this with our  Homemade Pesto Recipe and our Perfectly steamed asparagus🎍

🥑 Here are Six Reasons to Eat More Avocados.


🥚How do YOU prefer your yolks?

For me, it depends on what I’m making. I LOVE a soft-boiled egg cracked open onto my toast Sunday morning… nothing better.

On the other end of the spectrum, I’m often filling the fridge with hard-boiled eggs for the kids to grab-n-go all week long. And if I’m making eggs to top a green salad (like a cobb salad), I’ll want the yolks somewhere in the middle, slightly jammy/medium but not runny.

I get a ton of questions about boiled eggs each time I post a recipe that shows jammy yolks. “How do you cook them like that?”

So here are my SIMPLE tips and a video to make it even easier:

➡️ How to make perfect hard-boiled eggs

4 servings


  • 4 slices Ezekiel bread, or GF sprouted grain bread toasted
  • 1 large Hass avocado, pitted, peeled, and mashed
  • 1/4 cup homemade pesto sauce
  • sea salt and ground black pepper
  • 16 asparagus spears, steamed
  • 4 boiled-to-your-liking eggs
  • a handful of green onions, cilantro, or parsley to garnish
  • fresh lime or lemon wedges


Toast your bread to your liking.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mash the avocado. Add a little squeeze of fresh lime or lemon.

Season with sea salt and pepper to your liking.

Spread this avocado mixture equally over each toast.

Top each with 4 asparagus spears and one halved egg.

Spoon a bit of your pesto sauce equally over each toast.

Garnish with green onions and/or herbs of choice and a squeeze of lime if desired.



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