

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
10Aug, 21
Clean Food Love


Meet Jeri Who Lost Over 8 Pounds and 29 Inches In 30 Days!

Hello, my name is Jeri Phillips, I’m 45 years old. I’ve been married for 25 years and have a son and a daughter who are twins and 20 years old. I’ve been a teacher’s aide for 5 years. I love spending time with my family and our 2 weiner dogs. I love lake days on our boat and vacations!!

I have been following CleanFoodCrush for a couple of years and making Rachel’s amazing recipes. This summer I decided to make a serious change so I joined the July Challenge.

This Challenge Has Been Life-Changing!! 

  • I’ve lost 8.2 pounds and 29 inches!!

  • I have gained so much more confidence in myself

  • The energy I have and the way I feel is by far the best result of all

  • I am so much stronger

  • I’m walking for exercise now and actually WANTING to!

  • I’ve been getting faster and faster and have fun trying to beat my last time. 

Before clean eating, I had no energy and craved and ate all the carbs and sugary things!

I used to force myself to exercise without changing my diet and see zero results, then get frustrated and gain more weight. I had gained another 10 pounds before starting this 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge after another attempt at losing weight by eating whatever I wanted but trying to exercise it off.

CleanFoodCrush has given me the tools to live a regular life with store-bought groceries. Recipes that are delicious and easy.

❌ No pills, drinks, supplements, or special food.

❌ No points or calorie counting. 

Make the decision and do it! Take it one day or even a minute at a time! Record all your nonscale victories. Give yourself some grace. You didn’t get where you are in one week or even one month so be patient with yourself. The first week is hard but you can do anything for a week!!

The payout is totally worth it!! You won’t regret it!!

My favorite recipes are most definitely the Overnight Oats and Burrito Bowls but I have loved many and it’s really hard to narrow it down. I love that they are all real food, easy and quick to prepare, filling and delicious!!

–  Jeri

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