Hi, my name is Karen,
I’m so excited to share my story with you of how I lost 18 pounds and beat my sugar cravings with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. First, let me introduce myself…
I’m 49 year old single mom of a 7 year old and I work a desk job for US Government and when I’m not working I like to hang out with family and friends, travel, scrapbook, run, and read. Here’s my first hand experience of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge with CleanFoodCrush and my before and after photos are at the end!
When I first started my biggest challenges were the fact that I loved junk food, diet soda and eating out and I used food as a reward
To my surprise, taking this challenge was way easier than I thought! For me, creating the time to meal prep has been key. I know that If I have my food already made, I will eat it! I realized that I do have the time because I can make the time…it might not be Sunday, it might be Friday night or Saturday morning but there is always a little free time to do meal prep..and it’s not hard!
I tried new things and gave everything a chance
It’s been an adventure for me, I’ve tried many new foods like brussels sprouts, cauliflower, oatmeal, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc) that I never would have touched before. I discovered I actually really like trying new recipes and sharing them with friends too. I’ve talked to many people about this lifestyle change and show them the proof that it works – my own changes. I am making a difference 🙂
Unfortunately I have not convinced my young daughter to embrace it 100% yet but she has tried a few new things because “they smell really good” so I think we are on the right path. I trust that in time she will find her way to this lifestyle through me leading by example. She already loves fruit and vegetables so that’s a bonus! I’m convinced that one day I’ll get her away from some of the processed junk she loves.
This is me after the challenge, I feel amazing 🙂
My cravings for sugar changed and I make better choices…
Before I started the challenge I was consuming a lot of sugar and processed foods, and it was difficult for me to avoid because I was always having cravings. The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge helped me transform a lot of those behaviors, here’s a few of the results I experienced:
- I have very few sugar cravings now
- I’ve cut out diet sodas except occasionally
- I Make better choices
- I stop when I’m full instead of stuffing myself
- I realize food shouldn’t be a reward
- I try many new foods and recipes now
- I even almost enjoy cooking again (it’s a work in process!)
The mental and emotional results are truly more than half the battle, but my physical results are truly something to celebrate! Here’s what I experienced in 30 days…
- Lost 18 pounds
- Lost 10 inches
- Can wear clothes I haven’t worn in 2 years
- Don’t feel bloated/full all the time
- More energy
- More confidence
- I can walk into a store/restaurant and not buy anything because I don’t crave it!
- I’m in control of what I eat now!
My final words of wisdom if you’re on the fence about taking the challenge yourself
My advice? Do it!! Don’t wait to start! I wish I’d started sooner but any time is a good time. Life is too short to waste it eating unhealthy…I took control of my life and you can do this too!
The support of this group is simply amazing! I highly suggest this challenge to get it going because others will help you reach your goals and be your best.
Embrace the experience – I committed to the program and learned from all of the others who are following this lifestyle. There is so much to learn from everyone else’s experiences and they are truly there to help! I felt so supported 🙂
The 30 Day Clean Eating Group is one of the most “real” Facebook pages out there. Real people doing amazingly healthy things for themselves…it’s so encouraging and uplifting to read the stories and see how strong everyone is!
You’ll also get to meet Billie, she transformed her life with the challenge and now she works with CleanFoodCrush in the private groups cheering us on and offering first-hand support. Here’s Billie’s story of how she and her son lost 59 pounds on the challenge.