Meet Lisette Who Lost Over 12 Pounds and 4 Inches in 30 Days!
Hello Crushers! My name is Lisette. I am 36 years old and live in Connecticut. I recently graduated from Sacred Heart University with a Master of Social Work degree. I currently work as a clinician for an agency that supports children in the foster care system. For fun, I LOVE exploring new places, going for hikes, scrapbooking and photography. Exciting news, I am getting married this January and plan to start a family.
I came across CleanFoodrush on Pinterest while looking for recipes several months ago. I, again, saw CFC on social media and learned about the 30 Day Challenge.
When I saw all these posts about this challenge with the before and after photos I thought “No way, this has to be one of those crash diets where people gain all their weight back”.
I have always been skeptical of these diets I see online and all these challenges people do because I don’t believe in anything that tells you what to eat, especially if it’s not something affordable or something I can buy in the grocery store. So, naturally, I hesitated when I kept seeing this challenge pop up, but I was intrigued so I followed for a while.
I finally decided to take a chance and Join the Challenge because I was seeing stories from real people like me, people who were ready for a change.
I am glad that I did because I lost 12.4 lbs and 4 inches! Me! The one who thought it was impossible.
Before taking this journey, my greatest obstacle was not eating foods that kept me satisfied. I was either uncomfortably full or snacked on junk. Sadly, it is easy to fall into unhealthy eating habits because what’s quick and easy is often not good for you.
I think that being on the go for long hours at a time was another one of my downfalls because I would just eat pre packaged foods without really knowing how terrible those choices were. I focused on my calorie intake but not what I was actually putting into my body.
This Challenge Did More For Me Than I EVER Expected.
Going into this I thought “okay, I probably won’t lose that much” but I was wrong, by 12.4lbs!!
It only took me until Week 2 to understand the difference between being full and being satisfied. When I looked at Week 1 I had no idea how I could consume 5 meals a day, but after the first few days I understood how because my body already felt better. I did not feel bloated. I did not feel full. I did not feel guilty for anything I ate. I like to say that my body felt happy because I was finally listening to its needs.
- I learned how to listen to my body.
- I learned when I had eaten enough food.
- I learned how to read labels
- I learned how to choose foods that made me feel good
It took less than 2 weeks for me to get into the habit of eating clean. During the 30 Day Challenge I did not once open the snack cabinet or crave any sweets ( my weakness).
When others around me were eating junk they would say to me “oh you can’t have that” and my response was “I can actually eat whatever I want, but I am choosing not to- there is a difference”. I surprised myself when I said that, but it was true. Eating clean made me feel so much better and I found that eating junk made me feel the opposite, so why do that to myself?
My favorite recipes are the Breakfast Blender Muffins and the Tangy Chicken!
To those who have struggled with their weight and with unhealthy eating habits, I would like to tell you to be gentle with yourself. The world around us does not make it easy to eat clean/healthy, it makes it easy to fall into bad habits. Doing this challenge can be scary and frustrating but know that those short 30 days can help you create habits that last your entire life time.
I was so overwhelmed and did not think I could even get through Week 1, but I did. As a non-believer in the beginning myself… I believe in YOU – because I believe in myself.
I promise you that it is the truth when I tell you I have never been on a diet, tried to eat clean or even exercise… because I hate it. But I did this challenge and lost 12.4 lbs and 4 inches that I have maintained into month 2.