

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
10Dec, 18
Lorrie Before and After CleanFoodCrush
Clean Food Love

Hi there!

My name is Lorrie Weber and I am 43 years old.  I lost 15 pounds with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge and this is my story.

I’m a single mom with two wonderful teenage children and I have worked in the IT industry for around 25 years. In my free time, I love being outdoors, immersing myself in nature, learning and lending a helping hand to others.

For my entire life, I have struggled with my weight. I used to lift weights, but after having my 2 children, I stopped competing in Olympic weightlifting and nothing seemed to work to keep the weight off.  

CleanFoodCrush Weight Loss Story

After a neck injury that debilitated me for an entire year, and then being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol a year after, losing weight felt nearly impossible. Over time, my health got slowly and progressively worse.

Becoming diabetic and having high cholesterol made it really challenging for me to know what I should eat. I stuck to simple things but then grew bored over time and gave in to sugar cravings. My energy was at rock bottom and my eating habits were a bit of a mess.

I work a lot of late hours, so my pattern was to make fairly healthy food choices during the day but then wind up eating a lot of snacks and processed foods in the evenings when my willpower was all used up for the day.

Or I’d fall into the emotional eating trap and turn to food for comfort when something set me off.

I’d get sick of cooking the same recipes over and over, or I’d run out of time and get home too late to cook; the list of reasons for failing was endless. Most of the time, I’d end up back in a food rut and eat the sugary/fried or processed food that was fast but terrible for my health and energy levels.

I knew a drastic change was needed and that I needed support to get there.

I had my eyes on CleanFoodCrush for about a year already and had been making the recipes every once in a while. A big part of me just didn’t believe I would be able to do it… to really change my life and adopt a Clean Eating lifestyle. Then one evening I had a health scare and in that same night, I had received an email about the next start date for the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.

I chose to take that as a sign that now was the time to take action. And so I did! It was time for me to start looking forward and making the change my body was so desperate for me to make.

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge by CleanFoodCrush

While being on the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, I quickly realized how much easier it is to stick to a plan when you have support, are accountable to a group/team, and an easy menu selection choice for each week to take the guess-work out!

Add all of that together with a couple meal-prep days, and I was well on my way. The new recipes brought me a really great variety to keep me satisfied and focused. They have all been very delicious and I can see the difference in how I feel when eating this way vs. the way I was eating before.

One thing I’ve realized is that eating this way allows me to eat more food! Before, I was counting calories, eating all the wrong things at the wrong times and feeling a little deprived. Clean Eating takes the guesswork out and I finally found some success, even without exercise!

Lorries Weight Loss Story

I lost 15 lbs and 8.5 inches in the 30 days. Here are some of the results I’ve experienced so far with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

  • I feel more energized on most days
  • My sugars are getting lower
  • I have fewer cravings

This program has been so empowering for me, I bought the annual membership and plan to switch to an 80/20 clean eating lifestyle. Which means that 80% of the time I’ll eat Clean and 20% of the time, I will be more flexible. That feels sustainable for me in the long run.

Lorries Diabetic Weight Loss Story

I truly believe it will be easier to transition with the support of the CleanFoodCrush group and by sharing my story, I’m being held accountable by the entire community.

My family has been super supportive and encouraging! I have a few family members that started a Clean Eating lifestyle prior to me and are still Eating Clean now. They encouraged me to get started.

I’m not one to do anything online, to post pictures of myself publicly or to step outside my comfort zone and join something like this on my own where I know nobody. Typically, If I did I would just sit back and lay low and not vocally participate.

This time I knew I needed to be all in, and I love how the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge has made my life easier and got my whole family to eat healthier wholesome meals. My kids have enjoyed some of the food, and are happy that we are cooking as a family. They like having sit down meals with wholesome food and are looking forward to all of the new recipes like these Breakfast Scramble Meal Prep Bowls!

Eat Clean taco scramble bowls

Leading the single mom life can get tough and at times, it can be really overwhelming, but with some good prepping tips and a good support group, you can do it. Whatever your situation, you can make this work. Go for it, make a change and a difference in your life today!

Rachel and her support team have a lot of good information and support to help you throughout the challenge. This program opened my eyes in so many ways. I learned that exercise is valuable for health, but it needs to be paired with healthy food choices as well. I learned that rather than focusing on calorie intake, I needed to focus on eating Clean Foods high in nutrients! Now that I have a baseline, I can incorporate exercise into my lifestyle in a balanced and healthy way.

CleanFoodCrush Motivational Notes

The CleanFoodCrush support team has been invaluable to me and my weight-loss process.  They keep me charged and energized daily!

There’s so much positivity inside of the private group. I urge anyone who is on the fence to just go for it and to not just sign up but to take part in the group to get the most benefit out of the entire program.

Remember this journey is for you! Try not to compare yourself against anyone else on the similar journey as we are all at different stages and all have our own goals. I know if you give the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge a try you will see, it’s so worth it!

30 Day Clean Food Eating Challenge

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