

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
22Mar, 22
Clean Food Love


Meet Mary, Who Lost 23 Pounds and 11 Inches with CleanFoodCrush!

Hi everyone! I’m Mary from Wisconsin. I’m an elementary library media teacher at two schools in southeastern Wisconsin and, while I love the work I do, it does take a LOT of energy to get through the workday/week. I started my current job 3 years ago and definitely put in some longer hours that first year, which left less time for cooking right and for exercising.

I have been a CFC member since September 2021. One of my colleagues has followed a clean-eating lifestyle for years now and in one of our many conversations encouraged me to follow CleanFoodCrush on Facebook for some good recipe suggestions. I experimented with several recipes over the summer and really liked them and read about the 30-Day Challenge during that time. 

I’ve been through menopause and have seen my metabolism slow down. Also, I was born and raised in Wisconsin but lived away for a number of years. Upon moving back home a few years ago, I definitely indulged in some old favorites as far as local food and drinks, resulting in significant weight gain. My husband is not a Wisconsin native, so it was fun showing him around Wisconsin and taking him to some amazing sites and trying out some local restaurants with him.

I made the decision to join the 30-day Challenge in September 2021 because I was not happy with the way I looked and because I wanted to do what I could to avoid known health risks that run on both sides of my family. The first time I went through week 1 was tough, but after that, it got better.

Before week 1 was over, I no longer had pain in my hips and knees, which I had dealt with for some time and thought was an effect of growing older.

After week 1 and as the month progressed, I could tell I had a LOT more energy, that my energy level was much more stable throughout the day, and that it didn’t fluctuate much. I could also tell my sugar cravings were almost completely gone! I was also sleeping better each night.

The support from the CFC ladies has been top-notch, and there is a feeling of “we’re all in this together” in our monthly groups.

I’ve LOVED almost every recipe I’ve tried, and my husband likes most of them too; I’ve trying to get him on board also. Some of my favorites include the: 1. Double Pumpkin Dark Chocolate Energy Balls, 2. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins, 3. Herbed Mushroom Brown Rice, 4. Honey Garlic Brussel Sprouts,  5. Chicken Quinoa Pineapple Bowls, and 6. Bolognese Stuffed Spaghetti Squash. I appreciate all of the recipe ideas and often try new ones, but know that I can just keep it simple by roasting sheet pans of meat and veggies, making a pot of brown rice, and still stay on plan.

So far I’ve lost 23 pounds and more than 11 inches.

➡️ My clothes fit better and I’m happier with what I see in the mirror.

➡️ My energy level is better and more consistent and my mood is too.

I spent a few months around the holidays purposely maintaining my current weight loss and now am ready to get back to losing more weight as I have a ways to go. With this plan and with the support received by the wonderful CFC staff, I know it’s possible.

This is definitely a sustainable lifestyle! 

My advice for anyone thinking about Joining the Challenge is three-fold.

➡️ First, just take the leap of faith. This lifestyle change works.

➡️ Second, whatever question you have, just ask! Your mentors and fellow CRUSHers are there for you!

➡️ Lastly, give yourself plenty of grace and be gentle with yourself.

There is a learning curve to this.

There may be times when you stumble, but don’t get down on yourself.

Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving.

You can do this!

– Mary

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