

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
15Sep, 20
Clean Food Love

Meet Meagan, Who Lost 11.4 Pounds and 15.75 inches in During the CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Hello!  I am Meagan, a 38 year old mother to an 11yo and 6yo.  Second to being mom, I am a Paralegal at a local law firm, 4-H leader, 4-H Corresponding Secretary for the County 4-H, school PAC Secretary, and we are farm volunteers at Indiana Dunes National Park at Chellberg Farm where we have three cows and help care for the other cows, chickens, and pigs!  My 11yo plays softball, basketball, and volleyball.  My 6yo just started tee-ball.  Needless to say, we stay pretty busy!

We’ve lived a real food lifestyle before, but it was just me putting together meal plans with no introduction to portion sizes or nutritional breakdowns.  I could not sustain it while juggling everything else.  Aisle foods, as we call them, and fast food made a come back and so did the weight, grogginess, and grumpiness along with newly recurring back pain. 

I was at my highest weight ever of 175 pounds!  I did not feel like myself anymore and was barely getting by.  One year ago at my 11yo yearly check-up, we were warned by the doctor as she had gained over 25 pounds in a year, despite all of her activity.

A friend of mine had shared a CleanFoodCrush recipe on Facebook that looked amazing so I followed CleanFoodCrush and suddenly my feed was full of yummy looking real food. 

I  sat back and watched, not wanting to spend the money on a Challenge. 

When my 11yo, very active daughter came to me and happily and excitedly announced “I’m catching up to you. I weigh 164.9 pounds!”  It was the kick in the pants I needed to take back our health.  My 11yo gained another 25 pounds+ in one year!  I got my husband on board and we signed up for the July 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.  Excuses.  We were going on vacation during week 2 and did not want to sabotage something we just started then got back and didn’t grocery shop for another week due to being busy or just plain tired.  We started the challenge during the last week of the July Challenge and we’re so glad we did.

At one month into the CleanFoodCrush Challenge, I have energy, no longer wake in the middle of the night, and generally feel great. 

I have gained a confidence in my own skin that I have NEVER had!  I have lost 11.4 pounds and 15.75 inches total.  I could not have done any of this without support of the CleanFoodCrush family. 

My 11yo had her yearly checkup and while the doctor was not happy with her added weight gain, she was excited to hear we have switched to real food lifestyle and it was working.  My 11yo is down to 148.9 pounds and 6 inches total loss (it would be higher, but I was super picky with her measuring herself so as not to stress body image and instead focus on the way she feels).  My husband did not measure, but is down 15 pounds and mentions how good he feels every day.

I have struggled with meal planning and time management having chosen to wake earlier to meal prep in lieu of meal prepping one or two days a week.  Regular exercise has not been added to our lifestyle yet either.  I have yet to make it to more than 32 ounces of water in a day, also.  We’ll take this in steps and now that we’ve determined we can do this with the CleanFoodCrush meal plans and recipes and our new CleanFoodCrush family, we can continue to add steps and build on our healthy lifestyle. 

I cannot stress enough how much CleanFoodCrush’s 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge has helped our family! 

If you have any hesitation to joining this program, take the step, try it out.  You won’t know unless you try.  It’s beyond worth it!  I can’t wait to see what this next phase of our lives has in store for us!

– Meagan

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