

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
28Feb, 23
Clean Food Love

Meet Michelle, Who Lost Over 7 Pounds and 12 Inches in 30 Days!

Hello! My name is Michelle and I am 53 years old. I have been married to my husband, Joe, for the past 6 years. I have 2 daughters from a previous marriage Savannah, 19 and Delaney, 13. I also have 2 stepdaughters, 2 stepsons, and 4 step grandchildren. I have been a Registered Nurse for the past 30 years – 25 of those years as an ER Nurse. I am going back to college on March 6th, to get my BSN and further my career into a management position. I have a very busy life between work and family. I also care for my 86-year-old father-in-law who lives with us. I love to read and spend time with my family and friends. We are always doing fun things like boating, camping, hiking, snowmobiling, going on cruises, NASCAR races, demolition derbies, motorcycle rides, weekend getaways and attending all the kid’s sports and activities. 

My weight problem started when I was 20 years old when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Not much was known about it back then so I was put on birth control pills and sent on my way. Fast forward 7 years, I married my high school sweetheart and we wanted to start a family. The next 7 years were spent taking fertility drugs, having 9 failed attempts at artificial insemination plus a 50-pound weight gain. I finally had 1 round of IVF and became pregnant with my first daughter.

Seventeen weeks into my pregnancy I was diagnosed with pregnancy-induced hypertension. At 28 weeks, I developed severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome.  On October 9 2003, I became very ill. My daughter and I came very close to death. I had an emergency c-section and my daughter was born weighing 1 lb 13oz. 

My daughter spent the first 83 days of her life in the NICU. Thankfully, she is fine and perfect! The first few years of her life were very stressful as she was a sick baby and I gained even more weight and just didn’t take care of myself.

I eventually found a wonderful doctor who got me back on track somewhat but was diagnosed with kidney failure, liver damage, and add to that diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Things settled down, and I lost about 20 pounds. Started feeling better. Fast forward 5 years, I am now 39 years old. Imagine my surprise that I found out I was pregnant without even trying! I had a perfect pregnancy. I was watched very closely and delivered a healthy baby girl full term and got to bring her home from the hospital with me.

 When my youngest was 3, I left my husband due to alcoholism and abusive behavior. I didn’t want my girls growing up in that environment. So depression and more stress led to more weight gain.  

At age 45, I met my current husband and… My! How my life has changed! I am happier and my life is fulfilling. He is so supportive of everything I do and treats me like a Queen. 

May 2021 – My husband and all our children

Over the past few years, my kidney and liver disease has slowly progressed.

My doctor told me “You really need to lose about 20-30 pounds to protect your liver and kidneys.”

Ok I said. I can do that!

Yeah right!!

I tried low-carb, keto, WW, diet pills, and different online programs and I just couldn’t stick with anything! 

Sure, I’d lose a few pounds but then gained them right back! 

1 December 2022 – My husband and I on an ATV ride through the jungle in Cozumel

Last fall, I started researching clean eating. I tried a few recipes that were good, cut out all white bread, started using olive oil, eating more veggies and fruits, and started feeling a little better even lost a few pounds. Then just before Christmas, we went on our first cruise and I gained back 4 pounds. Then came Christmas and… 😔

All excuses, I know. 

January 1, 2023, my New Year’s Resolution… find a way of eating that I can do and stick to it!!

An ad for the 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge popped up on my Facebook.

February 14, 2023 – My husband Joe and I on a Valentine’s Day date

I read all I could get my hands on and thought… the 30-Day Challenge looks perfect for me! Just what I have been looking for!

I signed up for the January 19, 2023, Clean Eating Challenge and so far it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

➡️ Two weeks into the Challenge, one of my blood pressure meds got cut in half! 

➡️ After four weeks, I was off another medicine completely!

August 2022 – My two daughters and I at Taughannock Falls in Ithaca, NY

Oh! Did I mention  7.6 pound Weight Loss and 12 inches Gone in Just 30 Days? 😏🙌

The Challenge is Life Changing.

The Challenge Plan is easy to follow. The recipes are out of this world delicious and simple! And I can’t say enough about the support… Rachel and all the coaches are so supportive! 

They are always there with ideas, and suggestions, answering questions and just cheering you on!

This has been one of the biggest advantages for me… their unwavering support!

Although all the recipes I have tried so far are really good, my favorites are the Herbed Mushroom Rice and the French Onion Chicken (both family approved)! 

The French Onion Chicken is SO GOOD!

If you are on the fence about Joining the Challenge…

First – It’s Only 30 Days.

I bet you will:

➡️ stick with the program because you will feel better

➡️ have more energy

➡️and know that you are making the healthiest version of yourself. 

February 3, 2023 – Snowmobiling through the Adirondack Mountains

Best Wishes, 

– Michelle

Ready to Get the Tools and Support That Helped Michelle Succeed? Come and Join the Challenge!

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