

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
26Mar, 24
Clean Food Love

Michelle is Finally Taking Control of Her Health and Life

This week we’re sharing an amazing story of transformation from Michelle on how the CleanFoodCrush 30-Day Challenge helped her reclaim her health and vitality for life. 

Meet Michelle, wife and mother of three. 

Hi I’m Michelle, I’m 41 years old and I realized it was time to make a major change in my life. Between working full-time as a hospital assistant, being a wife, and raising three kids, I had let my own health and wellness fall by the wayside.

Our family loves spending time together going on hikes, having movie nights, and swimming, but I just never had the energy I wish I could.  

Before Dec 10, 2023 with my son and husband

In February, I decided to take the leap and sign up for the CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge that I had been seeing pop up for months. The amazing recipes they share had me drooling, and I knew it was exactly the kickstart I needed to finally get myself on track.

Those first 30 days were not easy, but I am so grateful I stuck with it.

🌟By following the challenge guidelines, I lost an incredible 14.4 pounds and a total of 5 inches overall.🌟

🥳More importantly, it helped me break my alcohol habit that had been hindering me as well.

🥳The bounce in my step and the clarity of mind I gained was priceless.

🥳After that initial 30-day journey, I felt like a new woman. 

Enjoying the hot tub with my aunts and husband

🎉I have so much more natural energy to be active and present with my family. 

🎉I’m sleeping better than I have in years. 

🎉Meal prepping has become a seamless part of my routine, making healthy eating efficient rather than a chore. 

🎉Even my husband and kids are enjoying many of the delicious clean recipes like the No Bake Energy Balls that help curb my sweet tooth.

Enjoying time with my son

I know after seeing such incredible results that I can’t go back to my old habits. I’m now on my second 30-day challenge rotation, having already committed to being an annual member. 

My current goal is to reach a comfortable size medium, and I have even bought a new bathing suit in that size because I am that confident that this clean eating lifestyle will get me there.  

My husband and I

For anyone on the fence about starting their own health journey, I cannot recommend the CFC 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge enough.

This is not a fad diet, but a sustainable lifestyle shift that has given me a new outlook on food, flavors, and what really fuels me.

If you slip up, just get back on track and keep pushing forward, because the payoff is immeasurable.

Words of wisdom. Never be afraid of a positive change, remember that you’re moving forward not backwards. If you make a mistake just acknowledge it and keep moving forward in the right direction.

The CleanFoodCrush challenge is life-changing. It has already changed my life and my outlook on food.

Remember weight loss isn’t just about what the scale tells you and that it’s not a race but a life-altering experience that will change you into a better you!

❤️ Michelle

Ready to Get the Tools and Support That Helped Michelle Succeed? Come and Join the Challenge!

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