

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
15Aug, 17
Paula Before and After CleanFoodCrush
Clean Food Love

Paula Lost 16 Pounds Eating Clean

Hi, my name is Paula 🙂

I feel like I wrote a novel here for you, but I am so excited with my results and to be given the opportunity to share my story with others and just encourage others to at least give this program a try because it really does work. And, I eat more now that I did before……that is what I think is so amazing about this 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! For this I say thank you!

One Sheet Pan Tuscan Chicken Meal Prep
I am 53 years old and mother of a 27 year old amazing young man. I like to cook so this challenge has given me the opportunity to experiment in the kitchen with new recipes. My new challenge is taking an old recipe and making it a Clean one! I love working outside but sometimes it’s too hot and I find indoor projects to keep me busy. 

My story is a little different that those I have read in this group. I am a two time Kidney Transplant recipient with the most recent being a living donor kidney from my son.

We underwent our surgeries in December 2014. With any Organ Transplant comes anti-rejection medications. These meds along with 30+ years of taking the steroid Prednisone, has been causing my weight to slowly crawl upwards.

Prior to our surgeries my son had moved home to help me out as we both recovered. Last year I lost my mom who lived me which spiraled me into a mild depression. Then this past May my son moved out again and I became the perfect example of a couch potato.

Transformation Weight Loss Story of Paula

Each morning I would look in the mirror and I could see the weight accumulating around my mid section. I went from 124 lbs to 138 lbs since January.

I knew I needed to do something but had not a clue where to start. It was on Sunday in mid June, I had just returned from the grocery store. I sat on the couch, my favorite spot, and logged into Facebook.

That’s when I saw the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. I had seen it before, even downloaded the free 1 Day Meal Plan. But something was different this time and I knew I needed to sign up and give it a try. That is when my journey began.

30 day clean eating lose weight challenge

After signing up with the program I started reading the materials right away. I printed out Week 1 and put it in a binder. I used colored pens and post it notes to keep it interesting. I followed the steps and started to prepare myself to start that Tuesdays Group.

I started a “new” grocery list and packed up all the other groceries I had just bought that day and gave them away to my neighbor. In hindsight, I could have used some of those groceries I already had but I’m ok with that. I was confused at first but the CleanFoodCrush Group was so helpful and I marched on forward. I cooked for 2 Days! I prep 2 times a week and it works well for me.

Healthy soda water and lime for reducing inflammation and weight gain

In my very first week I lost 6 pounds. I was so happy!

As I moved on to Week 2 it became more challenging. It was hard to transition from Week 1’s very specific outline to Week 2’s additions to the menu. My weight loss stalled and I started to feel defeated. However, I overcame the plateau and today I am down 16 pounds and feeling so much better!

At my highest weight of 138 pounds I was having issues with breathing outside in the heat, sleeping, mood swings and fatigue. My complexion also looked dull and dry.

I actually went to my Cardiologist because I thought there was something seriously going on with me. After tests, all was good. That’s when I knew it had to be the extra weight I was carrying around on me.

Paula's Before and After 30 day clean food challengeSince staring this Challenge I have dropped 16lbs 🙂 

  • 2in in my arms
  • 4in In the waist
  • 3 inches off my thighs
  • and 4in around the breast/back area.
  • My work uniform fits me again!!

Since I live alone, my best experience of encouragement has been from my co-workers. They have noticed the change, not only in my weight but in my self confidence and overall daily mood.

My son travels a lot for his job so I do not see him often but this past weekend he was amazed at how I look now compared to the last time he saw me.

The real story is in the before and after pictures. I am so pleased with my results in these 7 weeks and my new way of eating that has become my new normal that I now look forward to prep day! I also find that when I do eat something outside of my new normal,  my digestive system reminds me why eating clean is just the right thing to do.

Rachel Maser's 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge
My words of wisdom to you if you’re considering this journey for yourself… 

Week 1 is hard! Get through those first 7 days, see the results, and the rest will be history! It was hard for me but now I tell everyone who will listen about the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

They see my passion and excitement and many of them are also giving it a try. I feel more like myself everyday. And even though I fall off the wagon often, life happens, things come up…..I just get right back on and keep marching forward. And when you think you can’t, just come to the group and there are awesome sponsors and members there that are going through the same challenges as you are. They lift you up, put you back on track and you keep moving forward. Best of Luck!

Thank You to Rachel for this life changing, amazing opportunity she has provided for all of us! 

30 day clean eating challenge

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