
Search Results for: clean eating

28May, 23

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp The sweetness of ripe strawberries combined with tangy tart rhubarb is just the perfect combo and so very welcome this time of year while they’re in season and flavors are bright. Our rhubarb patch overflows with an abundance of rhubarb by mid-summer and I love to harvest it while it’s young and Read More!

27May, 23

Copycat Starbucks Pink Drink My teenage daughter LOVES the “Pink Drink” found at Starbucks. And once in a while, I’ll stop to grab her one as a very special treat as we’re not ultra rigid at our house. I believe it’s really important to allow favorite treats here and there, especially with our young people Read More!

26May, 23

Steak + Vine-ripened Tomato Salad ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅ‘   My favorite meals are simple-as-can-be to prepare while also requiring just a handful of fresh ingredients to create a perfect flavor explosion! ๐Ÿ˜‹ Itโ€™s a bonus when they also turn out visually spectacular because we do eat with our eyes first, after all! You’ll only need a few Read More!

24May, 23

Fresh Cucumber Dill Salad ๐Ÿฅ’๐ŸŒž Before we know it, we’ll have loads of garden fresh cucumbers hangin’ out at our place since we just planted a big veggie garden this year. I should take some pictures to share but to be transparent, it’s nothing visually spectacular (functionally spectacular thanks to mother nature), mostly just functional Read More!

15May, 23

Maple Mustard Baked Salmon ๐Ÿฏ๐ŸŸ I ABSOLUTELY LOVE creating and cooking simple sheet pan meals! Quick clean-up, simple ingredients, and minimal hands-on time. This recipe is perfect for an easy lunch or dinner anytime, and it’s SO SO GOOD! These Sweet Potato Rounds taste like a snack – they completely satisfy any salty chip-like cravings Read More!

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