

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
5Jun, 23
Clean Food Love

Amy – Single Mom Down 15lbs With Clean Eating Challenge

Meet Amy who’s kicked her sugar addiction and is down 15lbs thanks to the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge.

Hi there! My name is Amy, and I live in Minnesota.  I am a 45-year-old, single mother to an amazing teenage daughter.  I am the Customer Service Manager for a division of a multinational company, so I sit nearly the entire day.

I exercise 4 to 5 days per week but I realized it just wasn’t enough. 

I was still carrying 20-25 lbs. more than I should, and no matter what I added to my workouts, nothing seemed to help. 

Something needed to change.

I tried all of the fad diets, and I couldn’t bear to do another one just to see myself fail.

I consider myself a massive sugar addict (not an exaggeration).

I would come close to shaking if I knew there were treats around and I may not get one before they were all gone. 

Afternoons were the worst for me, as I would crave terribly, then feed the craving, crash and crave some more. 

My 3:00 PM mantra, every day, was: “I need a nap.”

Besides sugar, I loved fast food.  We would eat fast food twice per week, sometimes up to four or five times per week. 

It was expensive, and I felt like a garbage dumpster. 

One night I was scrolling through Facebook, and came across the Clean Food Crush Clean Eating Challenge.

I read some of the comments, and I dove in head first. 

I joined the April 23 Challenge. 

I honestly was not sure that I could even do it.

Not only did I discover I could do it –

I discovered Rachel’s plan was

➡️ very easy to follow,

➡️ very easy to understand, and it’s

➡️ extremely effective. 

Today I’ve kicked my sugar habit! I feel bright, energetic, empowered, and in control!

As of today, I am down 15 lbs

And I’m only 8 lbs. from my first big goal. 

⭐ My energy is up,

⭐ I sleep so much better,

⭐ My skin is brighter, and

⭐ I’m just happier overall. 

My favorite part of all of this is, it’s not a diet. 

I don’t have to plan to dig deeper, to go into “maintenance” mode, or whatever. 

I just keep clean eating, and my body will handle the rest.

I tell anyone who crosses my path that this is the answer we’ve all been looking for, for so long, and it’s so mind-blowingly obvious once you start. 

If you’re someone who struggles with sugar addiction, like I do, you crave, you crash, and you crave again…this is it. 


If you feel like you’re out of control with your eating, you’re lost, you reach for fast food just because it’s easy…this is it. 


If you complain to yourself, your friends, and your family that you just don’t know what to do anymore…this is it. 


❤️ Lol. I’ve become a pigeon rescuer. I have 2 now, with more in my future.

The Clean Food Crush recipes are amazing. 

I love that they are just real food, nothing “weird”, but written to use ingredients that my body understands how to process. 

I had absolutely no idea what coconut aminos were until I started the challenge! 

When I know I want to make a certain dish, I simply check with Clean Food Crush and they will have what I want to make, written in a clean, delicious recipe. 

My two favorite CFC recipes so far have been the Crock Pot Burrito Bowls, and I still can’t find anything I love more, that’s simpler, than the Creamy Garlic Dressing – Can you say Game changer!


Ready to Get the Tools and Support That Helped Amy Succeed? Come and Join the Challenge!




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