Hi friend,
My name is Claudia!
I took the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge with my 17 year old daughter and lost 20 pounds. Here’s my story, I hope this gives you the inspiration you need to get the results you deserve.
I’m 44 years old, and I’ve been a single parent since my youngest was born 15 years ago. I have 3 beautiful teenagers, ages 15, 17, and 19. My oldest lives on his own. I’m a licensed massage therapist and own my own business so I am BUSY!
Before the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge I had tried a lot of different programs and it never worked out.
I’m not a cook by nature, and I’m not comfortable in the kitchen. I’d buy a book and the recipes would be too complicated or the ingredients wouldn’t be readily available. Some of them required me to spend hundreds of dollars on supplements, and that was money I just didn’t have.
I work full time and three days of the week I work from 8:30 in the morning to 7:30 at night. With my schedule and two busy teenagers, we ended up eating take out most nights. On top of that, I was a sugar addict.
Some mornings the only thing that got me out of bed was knowing I’d get to drive to my favorite coffee place and get a giant latte and a pastry.
My weight just ballooned, and I felt like such a failure. I would get out of breath walking up the stairs. My knees ached. I was tired all the time, and didn’t have the energy to do things with my kids.
I had been following CleanFoodCrush on Facebook for almost a year. The pics of food were gorgeous and the recipes seemed simple enough for even me to follow. In September, I took the plunge and signed up for the challenge.
My 17 year old daughter committed to doing the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge with me. My 15 year old son wanted nothing to do with it, but I warned him that after he used up the sugary and junky foods that were in the house, I wouldn’t be buying any more.
The key to my success was the private Facebook support group. I think if that exclusive group had not been included I would have failed at the challenge.
The people in the group are the most positive people I have ever been in a Facebook group with! Any time I had a question it was answered immediately, it didn’t matter what the question was. Billie Jo and the other support staff were so supportive! If I was struggling, I just checked in with the group and they gave me the support to continue on 🙂
During the 30 days I lost 12.2 pounds and I feel so much better!
- I have more energy.
- I no longer get winded going up and down the stairs.
- I can fit into clothes I haven’t been able to wear in two years.
- My friends tell me I look happier.
- My oldest son started coming home for meals.
- My daughter lost a few pounds and loves that I’m cooking real meals.
- My youngest son even got on board about halfway through the challenge. He’s six feet tall and didn’t need to lose any weight, but he told me he ‘looks better’.
- All of us have lost the round faces and that bloated look.
Delicious Chopped Autumn Salad + Creamy Dressing.
I would encourage anyone who is on the fence about spending the money on the challenge to GO FOR IT! This challenge is 100% worth it. You get four weeks worth of recipes and so much support.
It’s easy and it’s real food. You don’t have to starve, count calories or obsess. I was able to do this challenge while working full time. Eating Clean has changed my life and the way we eat. The challenge ended three weeks ago, and I’ve lost another 7.4 pounds. I’m proud as a mom to be feeding my kids real food that I’ve cooked myself. Hope to see you on the other side!
– Claudia