Meet Tara, Who Lost Over 14 Pounds in 30 Days!
My name is Tara. I am 40 years old. I’m a single mom of three very active kids and also a co-owner of the local newspaper. My job keeps me busy with sales and covering events. If I’m not at work, you will usually find me at one of my kids’ activities or doing something with them. In a rare moment to myself, I like to scrapbook and go for walks with my golden retriever.
While I followed the Facebook page and website and made some of the recipes, I never took the leap to commit to a 30 Day Challenge. I always had an excuse, it was never the right time. I was busy with kids so I couldn’t start a diet now, or I had this event or that event coming up. I was too busy to put the time in that I would need to make it successful. I was constantly looking for the “perfect” time to join. It was easier to grab fast food after a baseball game or processed food at home after a long day.
And I was a Diet Coke addict. I couldn’t imagine anything that would make me give up my Diet Coke and enjoy it. I couldn’t imagine getting through the day without my caffeine pulling me along.
I joined my first Challenge in may after following the Facebook page and watching her website for a year.
The changes in the first 30 days were amazing.
I told myself I could do anything for 30 days and took it one day at a time. The first week was tough, but after one week, I didn’t crave my Diet Coke anymore.
In the first 30 days:
👉 I lost 14.2 pounds and 4” on my waist.
👉 I could get up in the morning and my joints weren’t so sore it hurt to walk up and down the steps in my home.
I went into the Challenge because I wanted to lose weight, but the other accomplishments have been even more important – the better joints, not relying on caffeine to get through the day, the overall feeling of health.
As I look back after the first 30 days, I wish I wouldn’t have put this off for so long. There is no perfect time for a new diet because it isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle change.
I wasn’t having to give up time out with my friends or being able to do the things I enjoyed with my kids. I learned how to enjoy life in a healthier way.
👉 I feel so much better about myself.
👉 I make better choices when I am out and about.
👉 I give myself grace that I was severely lacking prior to the challenge.
👉 I approach food in an entirely new manner.
👉 I eat to fuel my body, not just to throw something in.
The meal prepping was a big change for me, but I make one of the recipes and eat it for lunch all week and I love it. It makes things so much easier. I am not wasting food. I’ve made several recipes that my kids enjoy. They love all the fresh vegetables cut up in the house.
I never get hungry while clean eating becauseI’m always putting good nutrients in. And it’s rubbing off on my kids too. They are choosing vegetables over snacks.
CFC really works with every lifestyle, no matter if you travel, have kids activities or are at home.
You are truly able to adapt it to what you need. My cooler for baseball games consists of vegetables with hummus or guacamole. My fridge is full of fresh vegetables cut up and ready to go. My work fridge is no longer housing a case of Diet Coke for long days, but fresh lemons for lemon water instead along with vegetables and hummus for busy days.
If there is anyone on the fence debating if it is worth it, it is!
The support you receive from Rachel and her team is fantastic. I never felt foolish for not understanding things. I learned so much from them. You truly are making an investment in your health and your future that you will not regret.
I loved it so much I became an annual member after my 30 days because I know this is the lifestyle I want to maintain and I loved the support.