

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
29Sep, 20
Clean Food Love

Meet Tiffany Who Lost 13 Pounds and 13 inches in 30 Days with CleanFoodCrush!

I’m Tiffany. I am 35 years old and I have been active, athletic (dance, swimming, and powerlifting mainly), and relatively healthy for most of my life. I love to sing and act as well as venturing into playwriting because I love to entertain and make others around me happy.

I was raised eating and living a mostly clean lifestyle and didn’t have plans to change that. 

About 6 years ago I became quite sick.  After a year or so, I found out I had a large fibroid tumor.  Within a very short time, I had abdominal surgery to remove it. 

Since then I became FAR less active and found myself eating less healthy choices because they were easy, but I still made many good choices and was doing okay.

I married my sweetheart in 2018, and as much as I love him, my husband eats so differently from how I want to and I’ve picked up some less than ideal habits from him

I have been slowly gaining weight since being married.

In the last few months, I haven’t been able to go to the gym so my weight has skyrocketed. I also found out in June that my blood pressure was high for the first time in my life and I saw photos of myself from a photoshoot I did this summer and I decided I was just done feeling and looking like that.  

In the first 30 day challenge, I lost 13 lbs and 13 inches overall.  I’m also seeing my blood pressure start to come down slowly but surely

I know everyone is different, but if you want to see results, do the program!  

The more disciplined you are and the closer you follow the plan, the better you will do and I’ve found some really amazing eating habits to use for the rest of my life!  

I’m so excited to keep making progress and to get back to being comfortable with my body and what I can do with it. 

– Tiffany

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