

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
29Dec, 16
Rachel Maser CleanFoodCrush
Clean Food Love

 We interviewed a couple of women who recently transformed their lives and bodies with the support of the CleanFoodCrush community, here’s what they had to say!

First, is the lovely Rissa Johnson. Rissa is CleanFoodCrush member who transformed her life and body with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge… she looks gorgeous!

Clean Food Crush before and after stories
1. What made you decide to embark on the Clean Eating journey with CleanFoodCrush?

I decided to embark on the clean eating journey with Clean Food Crush because I was tired of always trying to hide how large I thought my stomach looked and my face wasn’t even looking like my younger self anymore due to weight gain.

Then I found out about clean eating and how processed foods, sugar and white carbs are not very good for you, so I decided to no longer put those things into my body.

 2. What have your biggest lessons been along the way?

My biggest lessons along the way have been that I learned that clean foods taste better and are way more satisfying than processed foods.

I was surprised to find out that my body loved the flavor and feeling after eating clean. If I now eat anything processed or unclean it doesn’t taste good to me and I even feel ill after eating certain processed foods now. I was hooked after my first couple days!

3. How has Clean Eating Changed Your Life?

The results I have experienced from this clean eating change are that I now am no longer ashamed of my body or face.

I have hardly gotten sick at all with any illness or cold since eating clean whereas before clean eating I got sick a lot more often. I have more energy now and my kids actually like a lot of the clean eating recipes I make and they have actually lost weight and have been healthier now as well!                                        

4. What do you do to stay inspired and encouraged to follow the Clean Eating lifestyle?

I stay inspired and encouraged to follow the clean eating lifestyle every day now by just looking in the mirror and feeling more comfortable in my skin due to my body change!

I am having a blast being able to have an excuse to go shopping for new outfits because I keep dropping sizes! I also am actually addicted to finding new clean recipes to try and I look forward to meal prep days! It makes the lunches for the work week so much easier and healthier!    

5. What words of wisdom or encouragement do you have for anyone who’s considering taking the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge this year?

Words of wisdom or encouragement for anyone considering taking the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge would be PLEASE GO FOR IT!!!

You will never be the same! It is really so easy and yummy and you will watch your body transform before your eyes!

I don’t even really ever work out, I just lost all of the weight from eating clean! I will never stop eating clean now that I have found the way my body is supposed to be eating, feeling and looking!

Now, I want you to meet Josephine! Wow, isn’t she stunning!?

Clean Food Crush transformation stories

1. What made you decide to embark on the Clean Eating journey with CleanFoodCrush?

For me, the moment hit me when I saw the scale and my blood pressure in the doctor’s office on September 3rd, 2014. At that time, I was serious about making a lifestyle change.

 2. What have your biggest lessons been along the way?

My biggest lessons along the way were these four: Discipline, Stress Management, Exercising and Eating Clean.

3. How has Clean Eating Changed Your Life?

The results I experienced: Lost 65 pounds; gained confidence, lowered my blood pressure and body fat percentage significantly, gained muscle and overall feel happy, amazing and more energized than ever before.

4. What do you do to stay inspired and encouraged to follow the Clean Eating lifestyle?

CleanFoodCrush, along with Pinterest, my volunteers, friends, family and my supportive and loving boyfriend inspire me and encourage me to follow a Clean Eating lifestyle. High blood pressure and diabetes runs in my family and to be able to prevent that really gives me a big push.

5. What words of wisdom or encouragement do you have for anyone who’s considering taking the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge this year?

Words of encouragement or wisdom: Looking at my before and after pictures really pushes and keeps me inspired to stay healthy along with my family history. Also every day I get up, I tell myself “I’m doing this for me, a better, stronger me. I am my own motivator and if I can’t push myself, no one will. Time to work it!!!”

30 day clean eating challenge

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